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SWRFI 2006 - who's going??


Well Known Member
I haven't seen much forum stir on it yet, so who's going?

I figure it'll be good motivation for me to make solid progress when I get home. Considering my project stage, I think I'm going to make it a SWRDI, but that's ok - unless of course someone wants to swing by ABI on the way down and pick me up. :p

Err... I just searched for some different keywords, and found the poll. Disregard. :eek:

If anyone flying there in an RV (any type) If you see me wondering around your airplane asking questions
today (Friday) only day I could get off work, please
consider giving me a ride, I have been building an
rv9a two years now (I am fitting the Filtered airbox yesterday) and have never flown in an RV of any type and would love a chance to see what I have gotten myself into besides alot of hard work and frustration (I have experienced both many times over) I just want a short ride please..

I will be the guy in the superman shirt (not sure what color)
I'll be there, but driving down this time. Bringing an AA 777 captain friend of mine, and another flying buddy. Should get there about noon Saturday (leaving 5am from the DFW Metroplex). We have tickets to the Mike Melville banquet Saturday night, I'm SO excited!! This will be my first EAA show.

Troy Whistman
I'll be there on Saturday morning. I buddy and I are borrowing a friends Glastar and flying in .

I was there today - saw some really nice RV's! I was only able to stay a few hours - lots of schedule conflicts this weekend - but it was nice to see a few familiar faces. One thing that both me and my GIB noticed was how few composite homebuilts were there...and only one or two canards. I guess the world really is changing....

It was a gorgeous day for a fly-in. It took just 1:20 to get to Hondo froM houston, and about the same gettign back. The RV is a magic machine....


I just got home 9pm have to work tomorrow :( anyway it was a great day, I saw some really nice Rv's and those three rv10's looked really nice..
anyway i got my 1st rv ride 9a and loved it..
should be enough inspiration to get my wings on
and finnish up "if I ever get my prop catto" getting so close now I can see a huge light at the end of
the tunnel.. 90% done. 90% to go.. thank you so much Brian Sowell for giving me my 1st ride..

awesome airplane..

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Phil, I am very very close to 5points when your coming into corpus christi, please stop by if you want to check out my rv9a, its getting pretty close to moving to airport.. the airport is about three minutes from my home, look on the sectional for a private strip called "highman tower" look me up if you don't have a project to check out local.. as I don't know of any others very close right now..

ps, I am working 6am to 6pm sat,sun,mon& tues
but will be off work (working on plane) wed,thurs,friday&sat..

let me know
godspeed said:
anyway i got my 1st rv ride 9a and loved it..


I'm glad you got a ride, I'm really sorry we couldn't have hooked up last year. I would have liked to have flown to your airstrip. Good luck on finishing up your 9. You will love it. Mine has taken me all over the country.

I also got my first 9 ride at SWRFI. Thanks ClayR.