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Storm Damage!! Repair Advice Needed


Well Known Member
Last Thursday evening a storm front plowed through our area and did lots of damage at my airport via 90+mph winds. Unfortunately my RV4 was a casualty. It was in a community hangar with doors at each end. The north door collapsed and my plane, along with a C152 were gathered together by the wind and pushed out the south door (door blew open wide enough to let both through).

The planes were tangled together pretty bad and resulted in a broken canopy, crushed elevator & rudder, damage to horiz & vert stabilizers, one aileron, one flap, and some debris dented the wing leading edge and top in a couple of places along with one gear leg.

Frankly, with the thought of the controls violently being hyperextended by the wind, I just can't imagine ever being comfortable doing aerobatics or hauling the wife or kids again. The only way I might get there would be with all new wings, tail, and control system.

Which brings me to my real question....sorry it has taken so long to get here, but it is therapeutic to type out all of the above... Keeping in mind that I didn't build the plane, I've heard that it is impossible, or nearly so, to retrofit a new RV-4 wing onto an existing fuselage due to the custom nature of each structure.

So, RV builders, is this accurate? Would you try it? Any pros out there who would be willing to do it if I brought you fresh wings and the existing fuselage?

I need to figure this out before I come to an agreement with the insurance company.
I'm by no means an expert on the RV4 or rebuilding a damaged airplane.

But..., I directed & assisted an EAA chapter member replace the wing skin and several ribs on a RV4 following a turkey vulture bird strike. The strategy & scope changes on an already built airplane as you can't get to the desired locations to initiate a change and have to make considerations which may not make it aerobatic worthy with the results as you have to commit to pulled rivets vs standard. And, the 4 is not a match drilled kit which makes it evenly more challenging depending on the builder. We were able to fix it for around $500 in parts where a quote to rebuild it was around 8-10k with a wing replacement.
Here's the link to that thread. http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=94981&highlight=birdstrike

With the damage you've mentioned, you will need to seek out a real expert as to their assessement on the work required.
With not seeing any pictures and only hearing about your damage, I'd look at taking the good components and build another.

Really sorry to hear about your loss.
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rv4 wings

Hi Tom,
Sorry to hear about your damaged RV4. The wings are matched drilled to the main (404) bulkhead, then the fuse is built around this bulkhead. So adding a brand new wing to a fuse would be tough, unless you removed the 404 bulkhead, then reinstalled the new 404 bulkhead. With the price of partial built kits these days, it would be more cost effective to buy a project and use your engine/instr/radios to complete it. Plus you really don't know what else is damaged, things always "pop" up that add many hours to the effort.
Its cheaper and easier, I think, to build something new, then take something apart, fix it, repair it, add weight to it................
Good luck, let me know if you want anymore free advise, better hurry, the second bottle of Stone IPA is about to be opened!
inspect everything...

Don't jump to conclusions yet ! Its all subject to inspections, and metal planes can take a beating ! I do this for a living with big jets, and you likely have a salvageable plane that just needs a little rebuilding. Get some good evaluation from a knowledgeable AP that is familiar with type..I'd look at it if I was closer. If you don't have buckled wing skins and fuselage skins, your likely OK. Flight controls can be replaced, and I'm not sure what gear leg damage you have. This year has had so much crazy weather, and I have feared a similar issue to yours..good luck and feel free to send me some pictures.
Good Spars?

Something else to think about is if the wings are pretty battered but the spars are salvageable, it is possible to build the new wings on the existing spars. The original spars will fit right back in the F4 bulk head as new wings.

Steve Barnes "The Builders Coach"
Good suggestion Steve on just using the existing spars to rebuild the wings. The empennage is easily replaceable along with an aileron and flap. Controls rods are easily inspected and if need be easily replaced. I would do a close inspection on the gear leg that is damaged to see if it stressed or broke the engine mount and crinkled the firewall. Pictures would help. An inspection by a competent RV4 builder would be best.


Very sorry to hear about your -4 being damaged.

I suggest you do everything possible to get the insurance carrier to declare your plane a total loss. The repair cost will be enormous, and the plane will always have a major damage history. You have stated your reluctance to fly the repaired plane in the manner you enjoy, why be stuck with a plane you no longer have total confidence about flying.

It would be much better to be handed a nice check and then go shopping for a fresh RV. Best wishes for a satisfactory resolution regardless of which direction you choose.

Thank you all for the good advice and condolences.

While the suggestion to build new wings around the existing spars sounds very plausible, I am leaning toward Sam's suggestion.

I suggest you do everything possible to get the insurance carrier to declare your plane a total loss. The repair cost will be enormous, and the plane will always have a major damage history. You have stated your reluctance to fly the repaired plane in the manner you enjoy, why be stuck with a plane you no longer have total confidence about flying.

It would be much better to be handed a nice check and then go shopping for a fresh RV. Best wishes for a satisfactory resolution regardless of which direction you choose.

It will probably make a good rebuild project for someone who already has some building experience. Anyone with an interest, please let me know and I'll try to make sure you have an opportunity to talk with the insurance company, who will likely own it very soon.

Now, for the next step....we may go to a family mover...anyone with a nice -10 for sale?
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First, sorry to hear about your RV4:(,, sounds like noboby was hurt, Thats good, The thing I would look at is what is the Ins willing to do? What would the cost of rebuiled or part a 4 out to rebuild? If the Ins covers it take the money and run. Buy a another RV..

Good Luck , Keep us posted....

Have a Great 4th of July!!
More condolences here Tom. I really feel for you.
Another thing for you to consider is the down time. I went through an extensive refurbishment with my sweet bird. It took 3 years. It is wonderful now; but a build/rebuild just takes time. Sam's suggestion will get you back in the air much quicker. It doesn't take much time to swap $$$$ for a flying plane.
Best to you whatever you decide.
Sorry to hear about your damages, i think you should contact your insurance company and see what they have to say on this.
It's doable. I rebuilt my -4 after similar damage. Rebuilt wings and empennage, canopy, re-skinned forward fuselage as I replaced fuselage bulkhead for wing attachment. Lots of work and I probably could have built all new in less time.

If you get a good settlement I'd go for it. If not know it can be done.
When Tom described the damage to his plane for a minute I thought he was talking about the -4 I just picked up in Ohio last week.The damage was nearly identical except my wings managed to survive the hangar collapse intact. I'm in the process of removing all the damaged parts to see exactly what I need to order from Vans. One thing I learned right away is that they will not sell parts until you send them proof of ownership and give them the serial number so they can change the name in their data base.