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Some aerobatics and music


Well Known Member
Hi ya'll,

So yesterday I took one of the 'ramp kids' who love the airport flying. Here's a nearly unedited video - I recommend skipping the boring parts.

I used a few songs which might get flagged by youtube. If that happens, folks outside of the US might be blocked by the RIAA from viewing this video. Sorry about that.

RV intro flight
Looks like he had a great time.

And, parachutes worn, good job.---Hope you NEVER have to use them.

The double (triple?) speed stuff at the beginning is funny.
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And, parachutes worn, good job.---Hope you NEVER have to use them.

Me too! One of the things that seems to calm passengers after saying "here - you need to wear this chute, let's talk about how to use it." Is the line about "there are 5-7k flying RVs and no-one has ever had to use the chute." (to my knowledge)

I don't mention the poor soul that jumped out of his 8 sans chute back in the Matronics days. RIP
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Very nice.
Kevin, I'm guessing that your airplane simply wouldn't fly if you ever cut your hair :).
Very nice.
Kevin, I'm guessing that your airplane simply wouldn't fly if you ever cut your hair :).

Definitely. In fact when I was getting my license back in a Cessna 120 my CFI noticed that whenever I was thinking/stressed I pulled at my hair. He'd say "Does Kevin need his blankey for this landing?" :D
Superman's cap


Superman appeared to be getting pale after you did the second loop. He looked pretty weak before his RV intro flight was over. Did you make him sick?

Superman appeared to be getting pale after you did the second loop. He looked pretty weak before his RV intro flight was over. Did you make him sick?

nah - he was rock solid actually. I gather he's in the "trying to be a cool 14 yr old" phase :D

regarding the blocking of youtube from foreign pc's... experienced that with your last video already, but there's an easy way around... there are quite a few youtube proxy sites, that can be used to get around company firewalls, riaa blocks etc...
users, just google "youtube proxy" and you will find quite a list of available helper sites ;-)

at the moment, the gopro doesn't support audio-in other than the internal microphone (which sucks at flying due to the noise). so you would have to record the audio from the intercom to a separate digital audio recorder and then sync the tracks in post-production.
in the future, there might be the possibility to get an external audio feed through a "bac-pac", but this is neither announced nor available at this time.
the just released an lcd bac-pac so you could at least check on what you're recording in realtime.

rgds, bernie
That's so cool Kevin. Great video. Pretty sure I saw you landing Saturday in the late morning, I was driving down 101 past SQL around 11. May have been another RV--you can only go so slow trying to look out the planes turning final :)
Hi Kevin,

I was jsut wondering how many 'G' you pull in your loops, they look very nice and relaxed?

That's so cool Kevin. Great video. Pretty sure I saw you landing Saturday in the late morning, I was driving down 101 past SQL around 11. May have been another RV--you can only go so slow trying to look out the planes turning final :)

yep - that was me. were you in the car going about 80 miles per hour? If so, I saw you too. ;-)

What are you using to edit your videos? I have a GPHD as well and can't seem to get the settings right to make video as nice as yours.. I am using Sony Vegas..

Any tips?


Von Alexander

Yup, a fellow in Oregon. Low altitude egress, unfortunately. Still give me the creeps thinking about it.


That would be Von Alexander. He was active on the (then) builders' list and shared a lot about his project. I believe that was during the days of Phil Arter's "Short List" of RV-8 builders.

What are you using to edit your videos? I have a GPHD as well and can't seem to get the settings right to make video as nice as yours.. I am using Sony Vegas..

Any tips?

Hi Jeff,

Yep - I'm using a GoPro HD. For the editing software you probably won't like my answer: I use KDEnlive, which is one of the (numerous) free editing packages that come with Ubuntu Linux. So if you ain't using Linux already it might be a little bit of a learning curve. If you want to try Linux without needing to wipe your hard disk, go to www.ubuntu.com and download a CD image. It is really nice and KDEnlive is just as nice as some of the commercial packages I've used - it is also super easy to get started with. It is also open source/free.

I'm a software geek (who used to work for Apple and Microsoft) and I switched all my machines to linux a couple of years ago and I'm never going back to a closed OS ;-)
Yeh, I used to run Ubuntu on one of my laptops.. I can't run it on this one due to some software I need and don't feel like running and emulators..
That would be Von Alexander. He was active on the (then) builders' list and shared a lot about his project. I believe that was during the days of Phil Arter's "Short List" of RV-8 builders.

Yep - Von's posts were great - he was super helpful.
Cool! :) Thank you for sharing.

I use a Kodak Zi8 since it is cheap, works well and has audio in. Get one of the splitter cables for the audio. The airport shop at KRHV has them if your local one doesn't.