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SL-30 Aux audio input


Well Known Member
Hello everyone

On the SL-30, anybody knows what is the pin for the aux audio imput or if there is such a pin...

I'm planning to use the built-in intercom via an audio mixer to get the audio warnings off my Skyview and I'm stuck right now..:confused:

Any ideas are welcome.


[email protected]

I just looked at the SL30 installation manual, and it doesn't seem to have an aux audio input. The only inputs are from the mic's. The SL-30 may not be able to do what you want...
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Audio Imput

Hello Dennis

That is what I think too, I may have to buy an intercom after all.:(

Too bad because the built -in intercom works pretty well..

We'll see I guess

Thanks for your imputs


Here's a way that might work for you:

Connect a 150 ohm resistor to the Headphone Terminal Output on the SL-30.
Do the same for each of the Skyview audio outputs (Left and Right) but use 330 to 680 ohm resistors (almost anything within the range will do).

Connect all three resistors together at one point, and connect your headphones to this same point.

This is a low-tech audio mixer. It does lower the audio levels, but that can be compensated for by the volume controls.
Audio Imputs

Hi Vern
I actually already have an audio mixer ( AP-60 ) but I'm ( Actually my hangar mate ) wondering about is a way to use the built -in intercom of the SL-30.

I will forward your post to my friend..

I was told on the Dynon forum that the SL-30's intercom was for headsets only and that I couldn't receive the alerts/warning off my Skyview.
Someone suggested using an audio mixer ( so I bought one ) but now I'm stuck on how to connect these gadgets to get them to work.

I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to electronics....:eek:

That is why I said I might need an intercom afterall eventough I would prefer not to mostly for lack of panel space..

Any more ideas, keep get coming

Thanks to all

[email protected]
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