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Silver birds, silver moon, silver anniversary.


Well Known Member
When I bought my unpainted -6A in December, the primary purpose was to use it as a commuter vehicle. Then that particular job got cut from the contract, and all I have been able to do is use it for fun and transportation. Darn! :) Last night, however, it finally fulfilled the commuter mission.

My wife was bringing American 107 Heavy into JFK, but it became apparent as the day progressed that scheduled north Atlantic winds were indeed there, and she was not going to make it in time to jump on the last flight home to DCA. Oh well, a night on the recliner in Operations and first flight in the morning for her. NOT! You see, yesterday marked 25 years since we exchanged our vows, and while normally we adhere to the "Christmas and birthdays are when the flight schedule allows" rule, this particular day demanded some time together.

Since the Garmin is still awaiting installation, I checked for solid VFR forecasts for the evening, filled the tanks, and took off to get an arrival into Farmingdale right at sunset (first trip there, decided daytime was prudent). Excellent service from TRACON's all the way up, direct JFK then KFRG at 7.5 for winds. Will probably go direct over KPHL next time to ease the number of traffic calls Philly has to make.

Parked at Sheltair, confirmed I had the crew car available, and hung out for a bit. Moseyed over to the cellphone lot at JFK, and got a very happy call from my bride when she turned on her phone and got my text: "Your chariot awaits curbside, m'lady!" Fifteen minutes from the jet bridge to the curb (thank you Global Entry) and we were on our way back to KFRG. Light winds, no other traffic, so a quick 100 foot taxi and departure off 19, and a switch to approach as we climbed to 4.5 where we were basically vectored over JFK then on course through the Class B.

It was one of those magical nights, and it has been a long time since I have been able to experience it properly through a bubble canopy: cockpit lit by the silver glow of a full moon over my left shoulder, New York City skyline glowing below, sharing it all with my love. Epic. Wish I could have taken a proper photo, but my meager skills would not have done the moment justice.

Home before midnight, mission accomplished. :D
Mike, great story, great use of an RV----------thanks for sharing.

Kinda suspect this is going to be front page tomorrow.....

And, congrats on the big 25:D
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Love that story! And it's such a reminder of how privileged we are in this country to be able to have these experiences. I've had many night flights that just almost brought me to tears thinking of how lucky I was to be there.

Congratulations on your 25th anniversary!
Good to see more teams that are both flyers. My bride of 30 yrs holds altitude way better than me. Great story!
That is a wonderful story. I wish you and your wife many more years of adventure.