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sharing special tools


Well Known Member
Just having read the thread related to a problem that 7 guys are having bucking rivets on the lower cowl, it seems that there are special tools that we make for a particular task that we will not use again but that could be very useful to other builders who would otherwise have to make them for a one time use.

Another example are the "spacers" that have to be made to set the wing incidence. You know, the ones that you put under the level. I made mine in a machine shop, and they are within .001 of the exact specifications called for in the plans. I could not have made them to that exact measurement without the machine shop access. I have no idea how other guys are making them and how close they to specification. I will use them only once. I intended to put a message here offering them to other builders who could use them after I am finished with them.

Rv6Rick has made a special bucking bar for the problem discussed in the thread I mentioned. He has been kind enough to share them with other builders.

I suggest that we set up a way to pass those special tools around. Perhaps Doug would be kind enough to set aside a special section to keep track of who has a particular special tool, and who needs it next. I suspect that my spacers and RV6Ricks bucking bar could be used by dozens of builders who pass them on to others.

It will be some time before I am finished with my spacers. When they are available I will post a message here offering them to the next guy to need them. He in turn, should post a message offering them when he is done with them.

The same concept would work with other tools. If you have a flaring tool that you don't need any longer why not put offer it up here for a reasonable price, you get back most of your money and a builder gets to use it until he sells it again here, perhaps for the same price. That builder then sells it again here. The result is that the only cost to you is the shipping. You can view the price you paid for it as a "deposit" which you get back when another builder needs it.

This forum has been indispensable to me in building. So much information is available here from other builders who are happy to help another member of the RV community.

The tool exchange thing would be a bonus IMHO. Maybe a "tool crib" feature would be an extra benefit. We will let Doug decide.

Just a thought.
Sure. Let's hash out the details. With FedEx pretty much anything is possible these days.
On that note...

If anyone in the DFW area is interested in splitting the cost of a DRDT-2, I'd love to do that. Seems like an infrequently used tool that can be used in 'waves' and carted from builder to builder as needed.

I just found out we've got a baby on the way so finances are going to get tighter when my wife quits her job...
mdredmond said:
I just found out we've got a baby on the way so finances are going to get tighter when my wife quits her job...

This is the understatement of the year... wait 'till you find out how much less TIME you have too.
