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Sebring ?


Active Member
Curious to know who else is going to be in attendance? Any other RV12s planning on being there other than Mitch's?
Brian, we'll be flying in for a day's visit on Friday. I've already got a 'RV-12 List' that I'll be pestering Mitch with after arrival. :)

I'll be there for at least a couple of days, attending some forums and generally gathering info to help me on my RV-12 build, which I just started in Nov. Hoping to defrost a little from the cold of the NE....and to see every completed RV-12 that flies in. Would also like to meet and greet some other -12 builders......

I'll be there for at least a couple of days, attending some forums and generally gathering info to help me on my RV-12 build, which I just started in Nov. Hoping to defrost a little from the cold of the NE....and to see every completed RV-12 that flies in. Would also like to meet and greet some other -12 builders......

We are practically neighbors. I live in Glen Mills, Pa. ( near West Chester). Come out to our EAA 240 meeting 7 pm Jan 10 at our hangar N57 New Garden - Toughkenamon, Pa. I'm the old dude selling 50 / 50 tickets. I anticipated having my 12 ready to fly by now. Time to move on to light sport - jump around the medical. Currently listed my Lark Aero Commander on BARNSTORMERS -- to finance 12. Low time, fresh engine, practically selling for price of upgrades owned 20 yrs. Larry W. 610-459-1976

We are almost neighbors too flya12. I plan to hangar at New Garden. There is another 12 and a 7 underway within 3 miles. We are in the Fair Hill area.
Larry, Dave....great to hear of other -12 builders, esp since I'm a "newbie" builder....I joined EAA 1250 at PTW where I keep my Cardinal, but not too active as of yet....just finishing up on empennage of my -12. Let me know where you're building at.....might like to take a "look-see" and ask a few questions!
I'm watching the NOAA radar picture this evening, and will check it again early tomorrow. The St. Pete f'cast is for rain on/off all day...but much of the mush is moving ENE as it slides onto the state's west coast, so most/all of it may remain north of Sebring as it crosses the state. Saturday is guaranteed to be 'bracing' for us Floridians, while it will be gorgeously sunny and nice for those of you coming down from the north. Expect some N'ly quadrant winds.

I am coming down in my RV-10 on Saturday and my hangar neighbor, Joe Salomone, (heliojoe in the forums) is also planning to bring his gorgeous new RV-10 on Saturday.
No 12's

...but I'll be flying down Saturday morning in my -4, accompanied by my father-in-law in his Mooney, and my buddy dragging up the rear with his Acrosport. Maybe seeing two nice RV-10s will help convince my father-in-law to sell the Mooney and step into the experimental world. Here's to hoping!
Was out there today.

Weather was wacky at best, but did get some air time with Mitch. Awesome machine!

Good news is that 10" Skyview (dual optional) Coming soon. They had a drawing of the new panel on the table. Transponder, Autopilot, GPS (all built-in to the Skyview) are deleted from the panel. Looks like it's going to be a nice clean look.

Mitch said he should have it in Blue by the time Sun-N-Fun comes around.
Ramp Check Today at Sebring

It has been about 30 years since I last got ramp checked. But, I got one today as we were preparing to leave the LSA show at Sebring. It was completely professional, non-threatening, and even friendly. Pretty much like the one I got 30 years ago. We left KEVB this morning as a flight of two RV-10's with myself and three friends in my airplane, and Joe Salomone and two of his friends in his beautiful new RV-10. We had a pretty good day at the show, in spite of the cold, windy, overcast day. I even ran in to Turbo at the Mosquito helicopter display!
Anyway, as we were preparing to depart, two gentlemen from the Orlando FSDO approached me with the news that they would like to perform a ramp check. One said he would like to do a walk-around of the airplane while the other took a look at my license and medical. Turns out the individual looking at my certificates was the original inspector I dealt with at the FSDO when applying for my Transition Training LODA just about a year ago. He remembered my name when he looked at the license. It was all over in about five minutes with smiles, handshakes, nice comments about the airplane, and no request to see the A/W certificate, registration, Ops limitations, or W&B. Of course, the inspector had seen all of those when I applied for the LODA.
My brother is a FSDO, and contrary to most opinions, there are people in the FAA that really don't have a grudge against private pilots and have no desire to cause pilots pain or suffering. He probably just wanted to get a better look at that 10, I know I did the first time I saw one!
My brother is a FSDO, and contrary to most opinions, there are people in the FAA that really don't have a grudge against private pilots and have no desire to cause pilots pain or suffering. He probably just wanted to get a better look at that 10, I know I did the first time I saw one!

I certainly did not mean to suggest otherwise. I have never had a bad experience with any FAA employee in 45 years of flying.
Oh you didn't, I did not mean to infer that. I was only adding to your positive experience with a ramp check, and to dispel the "hangar horror stories" that seem to persist about ramp checks.

I certainly did not mean to suggest otherwise. I have never had a bad experience with any FAA employee in 45 years of flying.
Brief Summary of Sebring

First time we've attended, being drawn there by Mitch's RV-12. Judging by comments from some locals who work the show each year plus friends who attend each year, Sebring's LSA Expo this year:
-- had a relatively slow, poorly attended Saturday, in scuddy, cold weather (tho' Friday was better attended than the previous year)
-- appeared to have a few more LSA a/c this year than last, said the locals
-- is mostly about LSA's of all types rather than vendors
-- seemed to us to have few serious shoppers with numerous used S-LSA's being hawked by hungry brokers/flight schools/etc.
-- struck us as quite small, even tho' its the largest LSA show in the country

I gather that some of you here have known Mitch Lock for quite a while (he now represents Vans on the East Coast). This was our first chance to meet Mitch...what a nice guy, a very knowledgeable builder, and a great match for the friendly, welcoming 'RV Culture' that we have been introduced to over the last weeks.

Flying weather was pretty lousy (bumpy air and a direct, gusty crosswind on the active), which made it perfect for a introductory ride in an RV-12. :D Tower's call on both takeoff & landing was a 90 degree crosswind of 14G20, winds upstairs were ~20-25 based on the Garmin vs. Dynon displays. For all these short-coupled LSA's with their large tail feathers & light weights, watching the demos from the ground made for some interesting comparisons. The -12 handled it all beautifully, both looked and felt very solid by comparison...and no offense to Mitch, it wasn't just due to his piloting skills.
