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Sebring Aerobatic RVs


Well Known Member
Here's a shot of the RV competitors at the just completed Sebring Spring IAC Contest. Everybody had a great time and all the RVs were competitive. We held our own against a field of purpose-built aerobats, including some Extras, Pitts, and Decathlons. Ron Schreck finished 4th out of 11 competitors, right behind two Extras and a Pitts. The weather was AWESOME and a lot of fun was had by all.

If you haven't tried it already, I strongly encourage you to join the IAC and enter a contest. Most RVs can be competitive in the Primary category and you'll amazed how much fun a contest can be. Plus, you'll meet a lot of cool people and learn all about aerobatics! There are plenty of other RV pilots that will be happy to help you learn the ropes - including me.
Join in the fun!

Pilots, from left to right:
Randy King - RV-4
Ron Schrek - RV-8
Curt Sullivant - RV-6
Mark Wesson - RV-9


Planes, from right to left:
Randy King's - RV-4
Mark Wesson's - RV-9
Curt Sullivant's - RV-6
Ron Schrek's RV-8
Thanks for coming out guys!
It should be noticed that Ron in his RV8 placed second on the third flight beating a 330hp Extra and a 200hp Pitts S1

RVs in Sportsman
RV8 in 4th
RV4 in 5th
RV6 in 7th
RV9 in 9th
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1st Place Advanced: Foster Bachschmidt
1st Place Intermediate: Kevin Campbell
1st Place Sportsman: Mark Budd Sr.
1st Place Primary: Cody Sheers

We had 35 competitors. Four were flying RV's... One did what one judge described as a tailslide... It was on accident, but they said it looked pretty good!

King had a free with both a cloverleaf and a snap roll. They were both flown well, but a dirty little secret is that almost no one flies a cloverleaf and the judges hate them..... Hard to judge. But gutsy putting it in, the one I saw looked good.

Unlimited we had 2 competitors.
1st Place Goodwin Thomas. Awarded 1500 dollars
2nd Place Mark Nowosielski. Awarded 1000 dollars

Both of these men are on the US Unlimited team.

Advanced we had 10 competitors:
1st Foster Bachschmidt Won the full size model. He is on the US Advanced team
2nd Don Hartmann
3rd Tony Zorn

Intermediate we had 10 competitors:
1st Kevin Campbell. Won the miniature model or Briefing stick
2nd Jean Pemooulie (From France)
3rd Christopher Magon

Sportsman we had 11 competitors:
1st Mark Budd Sr. Won the Miniature model
2nd Ron Hill
3rd Mark Budd Jr

Sportsman we had two competitors:
1st Codey Scheers Won the Briefing stick
2nd Wane Asplundh

Mark Nowosilski won the "Bozo Award" for sandblasting the judges with a high power start.

Results can be found here: https://iaccdb.iac.org/contests/511

CH 23 would like to thank our Sponsors:
Griggs/Wolf the auction brought in 700 dollars to the chapter
Concorde Battery certificate was sold for 240 dollars
AviatorGear.com donated 4 prizes that were awarded Advanced - Primary for first place
United Capitol Wealth Management
Hurricane Boat Lifts donated three golf carts and a large tent
Softie Parachutes
Arc and Air Aviation, LLC a Softie dealer was on site to let people try rigs and answer questions
MT Propeller
Bob Gordon
Whirlwind Propeller
Patty Wagstaff
Great Contest

What an awesome contest! Chapter 23 did a phenomenal job of putting this together and Sebring is a great venue. I was honored to be allowed to fly with such a great group of airmen!