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Scam alert on eBay Bose A20 headsets


I'm New Here
I'm rather new to the forums but wanted to share a recent problem I had with eBay.

I purchased a Bose A20 headset buy it now from a zero feed back seller witch I don't normally do but the price was right and I jumped the gun. We'll I never received the item or anything for that matter what they are doing is shipping a letter with a tracking number to a location close to you via usps with a tracking number so when you look at it it says delivered but only says the town and the state.
Please be care full as the holidays are coming up and people are buying gifts.

It was a very painfully process to get my money back as who ever eBay has in what ever country talking to you on the phone doesn't get how the whole process works of the scam and they see that ur package was delivered. I ended up having to talk to 5 different people and filling a CIA cyber crime forum out to get ebay to refund my money.

Hope this saves some people some aggravation over the holidays.

Don't buy from zero feed back sellers with out communication
Ship ups not usps
Look for odd screen names with just letters or numbers

If this has happen to you and u need some help please let me know I'll try my best to help u with the process that I did to finally get my money back

Thanks Greg
Sad to hear

Not to sound flippant, but such an experience from EBay doesn't surprise me. That's one of several reasons why DR doesn't allow VAF posts for items for sale on EBay, Barnstormers, and other online sale points.

I had was scammed recently on a purchase from e-bay but since I had used paypal, it made the process of getting my money back a bit easier. Also, if there is a choice between UPS and USPS, I will certainly go with USPS as I have had far more issues with UPS than USPS. But these days, expect to talk to some computer if you need help and if you could get pass the computer, then expect some one in Asia or India to pick your call.
Always use a credit card. Be careful when you log into PayPal as it always defaults to a bank draft from your financial institution. Credit cards have built-in insurance for this type of thing. If you determine it's a scam just call your credit card company and have them take it over. Most will issue an immediate credit back to your account up front. PayPal doesn't like this as it takes them out of the driver's seat and they have to deal with the charge back. That's why they default to bank drafts rather than credit cards.

If, on the other hand, you do go with bank draft (or debit card) then you are at the mercy of PayPal and the type of people you dealt with on the phone. It's a nightmare.

I agree with Hank. The letter of the law is always Caveat emptoir , or buyer beware.

I make a LOT of online purchases, and frankly, spending >$100 on a seller with no rating is kinda like unlocking the bleach cabinet for your 2 year old.