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SB-16-03-28 Kit Received (RV-10, RV-14)


Well Known Member
Since I am still building the wings, I ordered the SB kit so I can install it as part of the original construction. This kit is for the RV-10 and RV-14.

I received it yesterday and wrote up a short discussion of the contents here:


So in other words, just as described in the service bulletin. Since my wings are largely assembled, I'll have to remove the old brackets to install the new, though I will have better access because the bottom skins are not on yet. In your case, you might ask if Van's has the revised plans, at least the pertinent pages, available, just to be sure there are no gotchas.
If your brackets are already riveted, I'd think twice about drilling those rivets and installing the fix kit. You might do more harm than good to the spar. Per the SB:

"NOTE: Completion of the modifications in this service bulletin as a preventative measure (prior to cracks being detected) on wings that have been fully assembled is not recommended."

Good luck, Sir.
Yeah, but...

I also ordered the SB kit. I am not flying yet but the wings are sitting in a cradle.

If the kit needs to be installed, wouldn't it make more sense to install it when you can easily get to bracket and rivets?

Wouldn't it be better to drill those rivets out while the wings are vertical in the cradles instead of waiting for the crack to occur and then trying to do with the wings mounted on the airplane?

Just saying...it would be much easier to do it now than later...
Rocket Man,
I agree completely. It would be easier, but be sure you're the right metalsmith for the job. The Mothership engineers are chiefly concerned about how good a job we do drilling out those rivets: You simply can't afford to booger up the rivet holes through spar, because that can cause an even greater chance for more (worse) cracking on down the road.

They even recommend having an experienced pro do it:

"WARNING: Due to the risk of irreversible spar damage, completion of the modifications in this service bulletin should ONLY be attempted by persons experienced in sheet metal repair and who, after thoroughly reading and understanding the instructions in this service bulletin, are confident that they can accomplish the steps as described in an airworthy manner."

If that's you, then I say do it now while it's easier. If you're a mere mortal amateur builder like me, well, roll your dice carefully Sir.
I'd also add

In my opinion it seems too risky to rework this without cracks present. I'd also add from the SB...

... On RV-10 or RV-14/14A aircraft, there is a potential for cracks in the flange bends of the inboard aileron hinge brackets (though there is no record of any at the time this S.B. was issued)

After the SB was issued I still have not heard of a single RV-10 owner report that they found any cracks. I guarantee I'd booger up some of those holes if I tried it (wings on or off the plane).

Haven't decided whether or not to do it yet but the chances of boogering a hole go up exponentially once the wings are on...
After 1.75 RVs, I am very good at drilling out rivets. And since I still have full access to the area, I am going to do this now rather than have to keep noting this in the airframe log at inspection, with the spectre of possibly having to do the work on the wings anyway after they are completed. If I had already closed the wings, my decision would be different.
From the mothership...

I just closed the wings on the 10, rats...but have pondered the question, ounce of prevention leading to a pound of misery with a bad drill out or...Vans did confirm that at least two 10s have seen cracks, I did not get specifics on airframe hours etc.

I will likely go ahead and do it now while the wings can be positioned where and how I want to drill-out & re-rivet. I think since the original hinge can be damage/trashed the drill out process is much easier, long before any bit gets to the spar. Saving hole size on two parts can be one very difficult enterprise. I am going to check when the kit comes in and consider a screw/bolt, many certified aircraft have hinge brackets bolted to the spar, seems like structural #8 screws or AN3's might be a good option. Will bounce this off the mother ship first of course, suspect it will be about weight and not strength/suitability.

BLATE (bottomline at the end), RV10s have seen cracked spars and the "when and where and if" will certainly be a builder by builder decision.

Cheers, Mike
Email from Van's

I received the following e-mail from Van's yesterday:

Dear RV Builder,

Our records indicate that you received a Standard or QuickBuild Wing kit from Van's within the last year.

If you have not yet completed the wings, you may wish to install the parts for SB 06-03-28. You may already be aware of the SB. If not, it is available on our website:


As noted in the SB, we do not advise any disassembly to install the parts. But if they can be easily installed during construction we recommend that you do it. If you choose not to do so, or if the wings are already completed, you can comply with the SB with inspections once your airplane is flying.

If one wing is complete and the other still open, it is acceptable to perform the SB on one wing only, if you wish.

Parts for the SB are available, as noted on the last page of the SB.

Happy Building,


Actually, the kit for the RV-10 is NOT available at this time. I ordered the kit last last week and just got a note stating that they are two weeks out...:(

Here is a question. What would be wrong with using CherryMax structural rivets? That would make installation a whole lot more palatable. Yes, they are more expensive than solid rivets but might be worth it...

When I asked Van's by email early last week about installing the kit on my soon to ship QB wings, they responded that they were going to make the install before shipping my wings. Since my wings shipped on Tues. of this week, I should be able to check on this when they arrive at my shop, supposedly on the 31st.
Actually, the kit for the RV-10 is NOT available at this time. I ordered the kit last last week and just got a note stating that they are two weeks out...:(

Here is a question. What would be wrong with using CherryMax structural rivets? That would make installation a whole lot more palatable. Yes, they are more expensive than solid rivets but might be worth it...


Rocketman, did you ask Vans? I am curious about those CherryMax rivets idea as well..
Having received my QB wings for the RV-10 last week, I checked and Vans has already installed the kit. So anyone buying QB wings that haven't shipped yet should get the reinforcement kit already installed. Guess I just got lucky that the QB lead time was actually a month longer than originally quoted, or I would have been drilling out rivets and doing the fix myself.
Cherry Max Rivets

Van's has updated the SB to allow Cherry Max rivets to be used in the SB repair...