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Satellite phone in-flight


Well Known Member
Does anyone know of any solutions for phone calls in flight? I would assume they would be satellite based and not 3G due to the obvious hurdles of terrestrial communication protocols, but I was just wondering and assuming there are some telco experts on here that can chime in.

The goal would be to receive/place phone calls while in flight, business related of course- one of my main obstacles right now for general aviation travel for business is that I drop off the grid during the flight legs, if I could simply receive/place phone calls it would really change my whole plan

This is the one solution i have found so far:

Sat phones work and now there is even a small module that enables the internet. Do invest in a exterior antenna.
Take a look at "www.globalstar.com". They offer voice and data services. From their site "GSP-1700 Satellte Phone for $499 with unlimited airtime voice plan at $19.99 per month".
Same satellites that are used for the SPOT tracking service.

Good luck

I do believe it's against FCC regulations to use a cell phone from an airplane - don't know about a sat phone
I do believe it's against FCC regulations to use a cell phone from an airplane - don't know about a sat phone

Given the basis for the restriction (tower hopping, etc) I can't imagine a sat phone would be restricted, since it wouldn't cause the same problems. Don't know per actual rules though.
sat phones are used in jets. have a go at it but dont forget to keep a look out for traffic. could be distracting. To ATC, 'stand by im on the sat phone doing business'. :)
Sat phone

I use the global sat phone in my Mooney and it works great all the time, no reg's against it.
Just forward your cell to your sat phone and your set. L

Unless you plan on a 28VDC electrical system, and a sat-phone system that integrates into your headset or audio panel, you may have a very difficult time finding a good solution. Although hand-held units work well in business jets (with an externally mounted antenna), using them in a noisy piston cockpit is marginal at best.

I have a contact with ICG Communications that may be able to help steer you to something that will work. PM me if you're interested. Either way, let us know what you come up with. Good luck.
Satellite phones are used in CAP aircraft routinly for ADIS. Data is very slow and you need to know when the satellites are around or you'll be out of luck.
i am looking at the intercom or bluetooth integrated solutions that are dockable for ships power and equipped with an external antenna, I may have to buy the intercom/dock setup and rent the phone to try out the functionality/practicality before actually buying the whole setup. i'll keep you guys posted

Looking into a satellite phone. Any updates or suggestions since this thread was active? I have 3.5mm access to the intercom, but no Bluetooth.
Looking into a satellite phone. Any updates or suggestions since this thread was active? I have 3.5mm access to the intercom, but no Bluetooth.

How about just getting a headset with Bluetooth like the Lightspeed Zulu and pair it to the Sat phone.
...but dont forget to keep a look out for traffic. could be distracting.

I'm nearly hit by someone in a car on their stupid cell phone pretty much every day. I've had FIVE people rear-end me, while I was dead stopped in traffic or at a light, because they were on their phone and *not paying attention*.

Please, for the love of all things decent and holy, pay attention to what's outside the cockpit!

The thought of any sizable portion of GA pilots on their phones while flying gives me the heebie-jeebies.
Well, more specifically, is there any sat phone/network someone would not recommend. The Globalstar seems to have the most affordable options. The different network's marketing appears to be more concerned about my ability to make a call from the North or South Pole. I just want good coverage in the air over the continental US.

I do agree with keeping your attention outside. I am not planning on carrying out conference calls or making 1-900 calls. Just need to be available. Just as every car now has built in cell phone access, it all depends on how you use it. I fly to get away from the rest of the world, not take it with me.