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RV Safety Forum AirVenture Oshkosh 2010

Would you attend an RV Safety Forum at AirVenture 2010 Oshkosh?

  • If one is given, I will attend.

    Votes: 56 59.6%
  • I would attend if I could go to AirVenture 2010.

    Votes: 29 30.9%
  • No.

    Votes: 4 4.3%
  • No. I get all the safety info I on-line.

    Votes: 5 5.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well Known Member
How many people would attend an RV Safety Forum at AirVenture 2010 Oshkosh if one were presented?
Depends on the content....but of course, I would attend.

As discussed in the other thread, if it can be made RV specific, identifying issues for the type, then it would have more value. However, tag anything with "RV" and you will get a great turn out. We all like to hang out together it seems. I'm there!
Not for me

I would feel the same way about this as I would about attending a safe driving forum. My sensitivities to the risks and fear of dying are sufficient without sitting through a rehash of the same old information. Just being honest here. I'm sure it would be well attended but it simply has no appeal to me personally.

Bob Axsom
Preaching to the choir.

A safety presentation is a noble idea. In my 45 years in aviation I have attend countless times and have given many myself as an FAA Accident Prevention Counselor (now FAAST Team). The problem is that the intent is never realized. The people that need to be there never show up, or don't listen if they do. An additional problem with an RV specific presentation is that the aircraft (excepting the 12) have been configured so many different ways. When giving a talk on a specific production airplane, discussing the fuel system, for example, is simple, they are all the same. A discussion of how not to have a fuel starvation/exhaustion event in an RV could last hours, and would probably deteriorate into a heated discussion of where to mount components and the viability of Mogas, not fuel management.

John Clark ATP, CFI
FAA FAAST Team Member
EAA Flight Advisor
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"
I would attend. Shoot, I would be happy just to get to OSH. Been trying for the past couple years and something always gets in the way. 2010 maybe...
I'll be there but I'll be the first one out the door if it turns into a nose wheel vs tail wheel pi**ing match. Which usually devos into a "I can fly better than you", thread.
1. Keep it heavily moderated. But then we'll all sit there like mindless drones.
2. Perhaps the local biker chapter could maintain order. I always wondered what the 'Stones were thinking back in 1970. But they never met a bunch of spun-up RV-ers either.
One of the questions here is would a safety presentation be RV specific?

Or would it be a rehash of all the FAA AOPA stuff.... Well first off, the FAA AOPA stuff is valid and if anyone thinks it doesn't apply to them, then clearly, it definitely applies to them.

Having a safety seminar about the specifics of the RV airframe very short seminar and for the most part, pointless. The airframe is not what is causing accidents.

What is different in the RV World is the way we fly the airplanes. Most pilots don't fly formation or aerobatics. There is a lot less buzzing goes on in Spam Cans, not that every RV pilots buzzes, or every spam can driver does not, it is just more prevelant in the RV community. Has anybody seen a video set to music lately of a guy driving down a river bed in a 172?

These kinds of risks plus the that make the fatality rate in RVs higher than spam cans. We can either acknowledge that risk and have a frank, open, and honest discussion about it, or hide under a bushel and live in denial of the statistics....

Doug Rozendaal
I'm in...

Unlike most of you, I'm still pretty new at this RV stuff. Well, flying one anyway. Because I took a decade off, I'm still relearning how to fly. What is brainless to some of you would probably be of benefit to me.

I have yet to scare myself or my plane in my accumulated 50+ hours. However, I'm bright enough to know that there's a LOT that I don't know about safety and that my new RV has some performance differences from my old Yankee that I really should fully understand.

I understand that some of you who have accumulated thousands of hours in scads of airplane flavors over myriad years would find an RV safety forum boring. Good for you! But I'm one who would be happy to learn just a little bit more ...
