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RV-9A empennage first time builder



I am an owner of an RV-12 SLSA, and I've been waffling on wanting to start an RV-12iS or RV-9A build for months now, and I ended up deciding on the RV-9A. Empennage kit is officially ordered, and I was issued a serial number today, yay! Really exciting stuff. The lead times on the kits looks really good right now too, so hopefully I won't have to wait too long!

I have heard from other builders that later kits in the total build sometimes have things that require you to go back and do modifications to earlier kits that can sometimes be a lot more challenging than if you had done those things up front during the original build of that piece. For example, I've been told that it would behoove me to acquire and install VOR antennas (or at least some portion of that work, such as drilling the holes etc) while I'm building the vertical stabilizer, even though AFAIK the VOR antenna would normally be a later purchase with the avionics components? Not sure if this is different to RV-12iS that actually has a specific avionics kit, versus the RV-9A which AFAIK I'm a bit more on my own for it?

What things about the build do you think I should have completely planned out before I start working on empennage metal? Some things that come to mind are lighting that might be on the empennage (such as a beacon), avionics that would affect the the trimming system and/or autopilot (I'm planning on dual Garmin G3X with navigator for IFR).

Thank you for your advice.
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The VOR antennas in an RV are typically the Archer style mounted in the wing tips. So no more eye pokers on the VS, as well as less drag.
And few builders put a beacon on top of the VS, I think this requirement is covered by wingtip and rudder mounted strobes. In my case (Canada uses satellites) I did install a coax up the VS for future installation of diversity ADSB. It was a PITA but doable. The Garmin magnetometer is typically mounted on the fuselage HS mounting plate, but not much pre-planning is needed. Your choice of pitch trim, either electric or manual, again pick one, not much pre-planning required.

Can't think of anything else you need to pre-plan for the empennage kit
Right off the bat: your RV-12 is certified as ‘light sport’. The rv9A will be ‘experimental amateur built’ (EAB). Different rules. The kit from Vans will be bare-bones day-VFR only (which, per the FARs, requires no instruments at all). So, for flight instruments, radios, lights, etc., you are on your own. For electronic instruments (‘EFIS’) and gps radios, the usual advice is to delay purchase as long as practical, to guard against having a new airplane with obsolete radios. However, some advance planning is best. While building the tail cone:
Do you want a VOR antenna under the tail, ir on top of it? Installing it (and the coax) now is easier than later. (Options: I use an ‘Archer’ vor antenna in the wingtip, and am happy. And some builders are skipping VORs and ILS.)
Tail light/strobe in the bottom of the rudder? Easier now
Beacon on top of the vertical stabilizer? (Most do not do this) easier now.
Static port can be done now, but is not too hard later.
Any antennas in the tailcone (com, transponder/ADSB, ELT, gps?) usual recommendation is to cut holes, install doublers, coax now; actual antenna can be screwed on later.
And of course, interior priming/painting, if done, do it now.
And repeat as you get to other kits.