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RV-9/9A Builder/Flyer Get Togethers at OSH


Well Known Member
Not wanting to be out done by the RV-8 group or others, what do you guys think about a get together of RV-9A/9 guys? I was thinking about gathering about an hour before the Van?s banquet, just outside the Honda Forums Mainstage (the location of the banquet). We can meet and greet and then go to the banquet. If we still have visiting to do we can talk more after the dinner. Thoughts?

I have never been to the banquet so someone tell me if this is a bad idea (time or location).
That works for me.

I am only going to be on the grounds Monday and Tuesday and will be attending the banquet Tuesday night so that works for me.

Smitty owes me a beer so I intend to collect sometime between Sun - Tues.
Tuesday is good for me too...

I just don't have a clue where the banquet is and at what time it is!

If Smitty shows... I will go! Chatted with him many times over the years. Love his website, owe him a few beers for helping me out several times. Happy to swing by and say Hey.


At the Redbull, Ace pilot Kirby Chambliss went on and on to my father in law(left) and me (right) about how much cooler the 9 and 9a are then those sissy 7's and 8's. (ok, not really, i kind of made that up) Us 9ers gotta stick together.

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If Smitty shows... I will go! Chatted with him many times over the years. Love his website, owe him a few beers for helping me out several times. Happy to swing by and say Hey.


I believe that Smitty's website is becoming the new Dan's website for RV-9 Builders!

I also owe him a beer for helping me out... :p

Van's banquet is at the Nature Center pavillion not the Honda forum. The two venues are pretty far apart.
I'll be wearing my 9A t-shirt. See youse there,
Vans Banquet

Steve tell me nore about Vans banquet on Tues evening, I have missed out on this info somewhere

Guest speaker at the banquet will be Terry Lutz, RV8 builder, former Airforce test pilot, and one of the Airbus pilots up front in the A380. If you want to learn something about test flying, you should plan to attend. Don't know if tickets are still available.
Terry, CFI
My bad

Thanks guys for the correction. Van?s 2009 Oshkosh Banquet is at the EAA Nature Center Pavilion Tuesday evening. It looks to me like the Nature Center Pavilion is just west of the green parking lot. No-host bar at 6:00 and dinner at 7:00. Let's meet around the bar area at 5:45 just ahead of the crowd (come prepared Smitty you have a lot of beer to drink and some large shoes to fill).

You will need to check with Van?s to see if there are any tickets remaining. There is a limit of 275 attendees. Cost is $20 per person, and you may order advance tickets by phone 503-678- 6545, Fax 503-678-6560, or through Van?s Web Store (see the previously mentioned web address).

Thanks again for keeping me in line. I?ll also have on an RV-9 shirt and I?ll bring some name tags.

Be safe and I?ll see you guys there.
... I’ll also have on an RV-9 shirt...



(all in fun / don't call the IP lawyers... Still, Doug could sell TENS of those. :D ) [ed. LOL! dr]

w/r/t the 9 gathering at OSH, if newbs are welcome my wife and I will find our way there. (Hopefully I'll have my HS finished by then. :eek: )
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Beer?... beer?... did someone mention beer? Heck yeah, I'll be there!! I'm anxious to meet all yous guys.
Beer?... beer?... did someone mention beer? Heck yeah, I'll be there!! I'm anxious to meet all yous guys.

Hey, why don't you post a picture of yourself, that way, we can all recognize you :p... and if you don't show up, we are all screwed!
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A 9A get-together is a great idea ...

...unfortunately I won't arrive in OSH until Wed morning. I'll rely on Rick W. to tip one for me. Sorry to miss the gig ... it would be fun.
New "Dan's" site

Dan Checkoway has shut down his web site so Smitty is gonna have to pick up the slack, (sorry about that added burden), and, yes, I owe Smitty a beer - more like a six pack!:eek:

I can't make it to Osh this year:(, you guys raise a glass/can/mug/stein for me - would ya.:D

Smitty is our celebrity! Excellent mix of techniques and humor on those detailed pages!

Smitty, you definitely need some help with all those beers and hard liquor people owe you. I would like to extend helping hand/mug/glass/liver:eek: for you to survive the gathering:D We need you well and alive to complete the project.
Great idea!

I'll be there. I, too, owe Smitty a beer!

Van's still have a handfull of tickets left as of about 3:30 today.
I'll be there too

This is my first time in Oshkosh.

I'll be there and at the Van's banquet as well. I might be a little bit extinct due to jet lag as I travel from France on Monday.

Now trying to get a picture in this post.
bump bump bump

Our 9 numbers are kind of sad. Are there not more 9 builders out there to meet up for a beer?

See you all there.:cool:
This is my first time in Oshkosh.

I'll be there and at the Van's banquet as well. I might be a little bit extinct due to jet lag as I travel from France on Monday.

Now trying to get a picture in this post.

On doit se voir l? bas! Un constructeur de RV qui parle fran?ais, je ne dois pas manquer ?a.

Here's the english version for those of you who don't read french : " We have to see each other there. A RV builder that speaks french, I can't miss that".
On doit se voir l? bas! Un constructeur de RV qui parle fran?ais, je ne dois pas manquer ?a.


A RV builder that speaks french, I can't miss that".

I can not miss that too:D French was the language of Russian educated elite in 18th century. My ancestors all spoke French when Peter the Great ruled Russian Empire....:) After Gorbachev only English was for the masses :D See ya all...
Thank you Dean!

It was great to meet some of the RV-9 builders from around the country...thanks for setting this up Dean!
And, great Vans dinner and speakers!