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RV-8 Getting started help in San Diego


Looking for anyone to help me start my RV-8 Empennage in the San Diego/Orange county area. I want to make sure I get off to a good start and learn how to properly do things. I live in Oceanside and just ordered my Empennage kit. I have all the tools necessary and a very clean garage waiting for the project. Compensation for your time is an option.
I met approximately 30 Rvers from San Diego on January 1 2012. I am sure someone from San Diego will offer up their help. It might be better to also post this in the California section where more of them will have the chance to see it.

RV-8 Getting started help

Looking for anyone to help me start my RV-8 Empennage in the San Diego/Orange county area. I want to make sure I get off to a good start and learn how to properly do things. I live in Oceanside and just ordered my Empennage kit. I have all the tools necessary and a very clean garage waiting for the project. Compensation for your time is an option. :)
I'm up the road in Ramona. Been building a -9 for the last 3 years and am in the (long) process of finishing. Send me a PM. I'd be glad to meet and help you get started.
I live in Rancho Santa Fe! I can see you house from here! PM me! I have a RV-8 same stage of build as you. Chuck
KRNM is RV-friendly

Ramona has a very good - size and quality - RV community, and is experimental-friendly.

Stop by some Saturday morning, and drop by Pacific Executive (FBO on the North side of the runway) for a cup of bad coffee and good conversation, or walk to the hangars on the East end - RV-7, 8, and 9a all hangared right there, with more at other hangars and FBOs on the field.
EDog & RV505,

Just to throw out another RV outreach community?there is an active group of builders at Gillespie Field. One of the RV8 builders at KSEE, Steve Allen??? (my bad memory), is also an A&P instructor at a local community college. The majority of the RV group is located at the Sky Harbor hangar complex located adjacent (west side) of the San Diego Aerospace Museum building on Kenney Ave.

However, the Ramona group is a very active group and I believe you would enjoy working with them. As a matter of fact, my -8 was built in Ramona by Stan Markwell. Good folks up there. Also say hello to Pete Hunt?a crusty old fart, warbird owner, and a RV-6 and 6A owner?just don?t tell Pete that you know me.

RV-8 Help

Thank you all for your input, already contact some of you for help, I am going to need it. Looking forward to this project. :)