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RV-7 vs. RV-14


I'm New Here
Hi! I'm new to this forum. I'm seriously considering building an RV. I've been lurking for more than a year now. I'm currently a student pilot, kids are out of the house. Now its time to do something. I am really attracted to the RVs because there really is nothing out there that's even close. I want a 2 seater that I can fly from South Florida to... wherever my kids end up. I was seriously looking at building an RV-7/7A, until I started considering the 14. Any thoughts either way? I'm about 6' 1" and ~200 lbs, I might need some extra room.
Either plane will do what you want. The 14 will have more room but will cost more to build and operate. The 14 really needs the 210hp IO-390 while the 180hp IO-360 is, in my opinion, the best match for the 7, Both need the Hartzell BA CS prop if your primary mission is efficient cross country.

A rough thumb rule is the 14 will burn 10 gph for the same cruise speed as the 7 burning 8 gph. As the 14 carries 20% more fuel, the two planes have about the same range.

RV-8A (sold)
RV-10 (sold)
RV-8 (waiting on slow build kits)
RV-14 (helper)
Interior room and egress

One of the things that seem to matter more today than it did 5 years ago is simply the act of getting into and getting out the plane and how it feels with a passenger. Getting into my -9 was kinda awkward for the first dozen times as I tried to figure out what to put where. Getting out and stepping over the side isn't really a huge problem but its a bit more effort today than when I started the kit several years ago. If you haven't already sat in one, sample it before making the decision. I built the -9 cold turkey and it has turned out to be everything I thought it would be but looking back, it was really dumb of me to build without at least flying with someone.
Good luck with your decision!
RV6/7 comfort

I spent 5:20 in an RV6 with a passenger (long range tanks). Me 5' 10" 205 lbs. Passenger 6' 200 lbs.

We were very comfortable on memory foam seats (a must for comfort). The only discomfort towards the end is we were looking forward to that potty break.


Official welcome will come soon. Till then, welcome from me.
I would suggest finding one of each and sitting with your spouse.
Then have a serious funding discussion before making a final decision.
Welcome to VAF!

Hi! I'm new to this forum.


Dan, welcome aboard the good ship VAF:D

At this point there are enough RV7s around you should be able to take a test sit in one----or a test flight more than likely. I suspect you may even get an offer or two from this thread.

Any reason you are not also thinking of the RV9? if your main mission is cross country the 9 is a great choice.
Any reason you are not also thinking of the RV9? if your main mission is cross country the 9 is a great choice.

Amen! At 352 hours now in my RV-9A and have totaled up all of the fuel costs with the IO-320 160HP fixed pitch prop. Average has been $28 an hour in fuel and burning about 6 gallons per hour with a cruise speed of 147 Kts. It does even better when you get above 10,000' on the efficiency.
A rough thumb rule is the 14 will burn 10 gph for the same cruise speed as the 7 burning 8 gph. As the 14 carries 20% more fuel, the two planes have about the same range.

Real world experience operating both an RV-14A with IO-390 and an RV-14 with an IO-360 proves this to be false.

Both of these airplanes are routinely flown cross country with a TAS of about 172 Kts at 8.2-8.4 GPH.
I agree with Scott on the fuel use. With the exception of the RV10, most models are roughly the same size. The air "sees" the same shape sliding along; the same drag. Thus it takes about the same energy to push these similar shapes, "at the same airspeed" if that airspeed is in the normal cruise range.
When I fly my 540 rocket beside RVs I burn the same fuel. If I can push them to more then 75% power and they cannot lean as much, then I will burn less fuel then they do. That is aways fun at the fuel plumps! If I want to fly as slow as an RV9 I can burn 6 gph at 150 knots.
It all sounds good. So the bottom line look and see. BTW I didn't mean to exclude the RV-9. It seems to have many devout followers for a reason! I might very well end up with one.