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RV-7 & 9 builders F6118 Rudder pedal Middle Brace

ron sterba

Well Known Member
I'am wondering how many built that brace with holes in brace or trimmed brace down after determining they didn't need all the metal and didn't make holes as discribed on lower right on DWG 37A ??? If I leave the F6118 solid does it have any usefulness like maybe a support for the instrunent panel or did it serve as a wire bundle support. Should I trim it (F-6118) ???? I'am building the 9A you know the Grama Grampa plane!!! Ron
yes, I did both trimmed it down and put holes in place. I positioned the pedals for me and also added adjustments holes 1" each direction.

Have a look:

f 6118

Brian. Looks good. Are you at this point in construction? Do you think theres any benifit to leaving it long?The reason I ask is the block location for your size legs on the the rudder pedal assembly. Is there any set distance for 5'8" guy with a 32" waist and a inseam of 30". I don't have seat cushions yet but looking at Oregon Aero. My back seems most comfortable with seat bottom in the most forward hinge and leaning back to first notch of plate behind seat. It appears that the F6116 closest point is located 6" from the firewall. I would think we have a big FORUM question here that we could carve into stone once and for-all. Just like the shoe store employee with that foot sizer thingee! A CHART! we could ask your inseam, how tall are you, what seat bottom hinge do you like, how far in inches is your seat back from the cross beam behind it. How thick is your cushion back and seat bottom. With this info we could find out the location of the rudder padel bearing block from the firewall and where to drill the holes in the F-719 FWD Skin Stiffner for that bearing block. So Brian we should ask all RV 7 & 9 builders their hole distances from the firewall. Ron
I did this 2 years ago....:(...still not flying.

for placement, I built up several inches of cushioning to try to figure out what felt good. I'm a large guy 6' 230# so have the seat in the last hinge for stick clearance. Then I set the pedals for comfort. I felt this was a good location for myself AND had adjustment range for folks longer or shorter if need be.

I'll try to take a measurement tomorrow. One thing if you leave it long now, you can do whatever later. cut it short and you are out of options.
Brian I think I'am going to sample our RVs in the EAA chapter and try to come up with a answer. It may take a couple of months and now that Iam thinking about it Ill contact a few other EAA chapters here in Oregon. Gosh been cold here. Last night down to 15 and tonite down to 10 and Iam only 50 miles to the pacific Ocean. Hows the weather there? Ron
..... Hows the weather there? Ron

-23*F this morning....but it's a dry cold:D should be above 0 tomorrow.

My shop was +24 when I went out there this afternoon. Luckily, a couple of blocks in the wood stove will heat it to 50 or so in less than an hour, then slowly warms to 70 over the next couple hrs.
****!!!! Thats like being in outerspace buddy! I have that in the floor (concrete) water tube heating. Its new here but i think you have had it for thirty years there huh. Ron
I'am wondering how many built that brace with holes in brace or trimmed brace down after determining they didn't need all the metal and didn't make holes as discribed on lower right on DWG 37A ??? If I leave the F6118 solid does it have any usefulness like maybe a support for the instrunent panel or did it serve as a wire bundle support. Should I trim it (F-6118) ???? Ron

Ron, you'll probably find other uses for this brace as you go along. I found it made the perfect mount for a second battery. I should have cut lightning holes like you did! It also serves as a convenient place to support brake lines and wire bundles later on, as you mentioned.


Pat, What a great idea! I like that for mine. I think tomorrow I'll drive up to vans and buy another bracket (F6118) and put it on the other side of access hole of firewall. Its 25 minutes to Vans. Many trips made there as a newbee to the QB 9A, Cool huh Ron
Apologies for raising a long-dead thread, but.....

In another of my less-than-stellar moments, I overlooked a small detail on the plans that says you must have 3" minimum clearance between the forward edge of the rudder bearing block and the firewall. I have 2" as I have the bearing blocks up against the longeron gusset to suit my legs.

The repercussions of this is that my F6118 brace has been trimmed to suit and doesn't allow the horizontal portion to be trimmed any further to allow the F601 recess to sit flush against the firewall on the left side.

So...the questions now become:
  • What, on the engine (probably an O-320-H2AD with dual EI), requires the F601 recess?
  • Is there anything stopping me from riveting a flat piece of stainless in place of F601?
  • And...Can anyone see other issues with having the rudder pedals so far forward?
If you have a prop governor mounted on the accessory case, it will definitely need the firewall cutout! The cutout also makes it much easier to remove the spin-on oil filter mounted on the accessory case. If you have a front mounted prop gov (or a fixed pitch), and you have the 90 degree oil filter adaptor, then the cutout isn't necessary.

Make sure that you can go Stop-to-Stop on the rudder without hitting the firewall with your rudder pedals!
Cheers, DH...Spoke to Vans this morning just to check my little Faux pas wouldn't have any further consequences, and they've OK'd using sheet aluminium there, so long as I don't want a CS prop.

So all's well that ends well, and lanky buggers can have another inch of legroom if they want to run a FP prop. :D
F6118 mess-up

I messed up the holes on the F6118 for my RV-9. The large hole is 2 3/4" instead of 2 1/4" and is slightly off center for the location specified in the drawing.


Should I get a new one and do it over or is this one usable. I'm unsure as to how much I may have weakened the support structure with this error.
Steve your photo link doesn't work.

The hole being larger might be ok depending on where exactly it is located.
The loads applied to the part by the rudder pedals are predominately longitudinal (fore and aft), so if your change doesn't significantly effect the part strength that direction, it would probably be ok, but can't tell without the photo.
Ta Daa!

Now, me personally, I wouldn't worry too much about that, but if it really bothers you, it is a fairly cheap part to replace. Unless you live in Australia, then I hope you can afford to sacrifice your first-born, a years supply of beer and your pickup truck - and that's just to cover the shipping!:eek:
Can you get full forward extension of the pedals (rudder to the stop) with it that far forward? IIRC, I kinda played that game when I was getting ready to drill the longerons.

I *think* that the firewall recess was for rear mounted prop governors, but don't trust my memory; ask Van's.