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RV-14 Rudder Pedal Extensions


Active Member
For those of us who are vertically challenged (5’6”) the RV-14 is a problem. The seat is not really a seat that moves and rudder pedals can be positioned at build in one of 3 positions that are really only an inch or so apart. With the most aft rudder pedal position and the seat back extended using the extender in the aft of the seat I am really at full leg extension to get full rudder deflection. It’s not ideal because the taught leg muscles interfere with the roll position of the stick. So I tried various designs and came up with these 3D printed pedal extensions that work really well. I printed them using PETG-CF (PETG with carbon fibre) and attached them with 10-32 2” screws. I also printed a back plate to secure them.

Link to Makerworld files
