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RV-12 ride vs C-150/152 ?


Active Member
For those who have flown both the -12 and the Cessna 150/152, is there a difference in ride stability? There's a difference of 350 lbs between the max takeoff weight of a C-152 and a -12, but there are other factors like wing loading, etc..
Almost all of my time is in a C-150. I took a demo ride in "red" last year and the differences I noticed were:
1) The view was incredible. I was worried about how much of the ground I wouldn't be seeing, but with the seat so close to the leading edge, I was able to see what was below the plane almost to the point of what we were directly over. Visibility over the nose is significantly better because of the engine size and location. I think I left a fingerprint or two on the canopy pointing out traffic, since it felt like it wasn't even there.
2) The controls felt lighter, especially the ailerons. I didn't find this better or worse, just different.
3) Climb performance was dramatically better in the RV-12 with two people, than flying alone in the C-150. Speed picked up quickly once we leveled off.
4) Engine RPM is a lot higher in the RV-12. It was probably a little louder. I realized I would have to adjust my "listening" to get a feel for RPM by sound when watching for traffic. Again, more different than better or worse.

The air was smooth the morning I went up, so I can't vouch for how different the plane would feel on a bumpy day. My guess would be somewhere between a C-150 and C-172.

I would highly recommend finding a demo ride.
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RV-12 compared certified A/C

As far as certified aircraft go, the Diamond DA-20 might be a reasonable comparison to the RV-12. It is about 25% bigger in power, weight and wing area, but is quite similar in layout. It is a side-by-side two seater, gas tank in the fuselage behind the seats, stick controls, castoring nose wheel, bubble canopy, etc. DA-20s are available for reasonable rental fees. I have been renting a DA-20 for the last several years (my -12 is flying now:)) and feel like I was well prepared to fly the -12. http://www.diamondaircraft.com/aircraft/da20/index.php

Thanks to Tom and Tony for your replies. Around where I live, most flight schools still use C-152 and C-172. No new aircraft for rent. But, there are a few -12s being built in Wichita, and Larry Geiger is only about 110nm away. One of these days, I'll hook up with him to see his -12 and ask for a ride.
The RV 12 is an easy transition from the C-150. They are both pretty light in the air so you will feel bumps more than in the other RV's. The bottom line though is the 12 is way more fun to fly than the C-150. It is more responsive, climbs way better, cruises faster and has much better visability. The landing speeds are actually very close so if you use your C-150 routine in pattern (minus carb heat) you will put in on the runway nicely. The 12 does not come down as quickly when you pull power so the carrier landing is a bit harder. It seems that the guys who are used to landing the other model RV's will find themselves floating down the runway for a long way in ground effect. Its a floater....:) Go fly one for sure, you will want one.