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RV-12 latch alert


Well Known Member
I just saw this notice on the front page of Van's web site, I am not sure why they would be concerned about any of us flying as we are still grounded by the fuel tank issue, so now there are two grounding issues with no fix yet proposed for either.

Do not get me wrong, I am happy that Van's is on the side of safety, I just wish they could learn to communicate just a little better as it has been two months since the first stop work order on the fuel tank and not one single word as to what they are doing or when we may have some sort of fix.

Best regards,


There was a note about them trying GLASS, but it broke under pressure. Nothing other than that.

John Bender
Here's the alert (if you don't have a PDF reader installed)


I'm sure folks are doing a bit of wondering what this is all about. So let me shed some light.

During the first few flights of the blue RV-12, I noticed that the canopy raised ever so slightly toward the rear. I made a suggestion to Van's engineering department that they devise a refinement to the canopy latch to eliminate this. They have come up with an ultimately simple and effective addition to the latch that prevents this. I have installed it on the blue 12 and it works like a champ. It will take a builder maybe 15 minutes to install it.

Again, this is a refinement, pure and simple. Nothing more.

Mitch Lock
I'm sure folks are doing a bit of wondering what this is all about. So let me shed some light.

During the first few flights of the blue RV-12, I noticed that the canopy raised ever so slightly toward the rear. I made a suggestion to Van's engineering department that they devise a refinement to the canopy latch to eliminate this. They have come up with an ultimately simple and effective addition to the latch that prevents this. I have installed it on the blue 12 and it works like a champ. It will take a builder maybe 15 minutes to install it.

Again, this is a refinement, pure and simple. Nothing more.

Mitch Lock

Hi Mitch,

Thanks for some information and the communication from Van's on the latch.

Perhaps you could shed some light on when we can expect a fuel tank solution, and this is not a joke, I already have lost one container to the expiration date while we are in limbo and the next pint will expire soon, PRC is now about $ 80 per pint and as such this is getting to be an expensive delay.

Best regards,
Sorry, Vern. That one I can't help you with. Being 2,000 miles away from Aurora, I'm not in the day to day loop. But what I do know after speaking with Ken Krueger at OSH is that this is a high priority. They are well aware that with the release of the powerplant kits, there will be many RV-12s ready to take to the air very soon. I also know that whatever they come up with, it too will be simple and effective.

Everyone, thanks for your patience. In the end, it will be exactly what you'd expect from Van's.

Mitch Lock
We all took a risk in buying/starting a completely new kit aircraft. All kits were not available when most of us started their wings april 2008. For this I waited a year because I'm a first time builder and I expected revisions.
For my work I fly B737 and even after 40 years we still receive revisions/amendments for that aircraft.
I understand it is frustrating to receive a revision after your tank is completed but you know these things can happen when you are one of the first builders (be happy you are not building a B787).
In my opinion Van's is doing a very nice job....
Glass Piece

As mentioned earlier Van's told me their latest attempt was to try pure glass but it didn't hold up under the stress test. A Van's employee told me this when I called to ask. I don' t know that they should be expected to communicate on this private forum (thanks just the same Mitch) but they do communicate quite good when I call...they even call back if I ask. Personally I'm having a ball.
As mentioned earlier Van's told me their latest attempt was to try pure glass but it didn't hold up under the stress test. A Van's employee told me this when I called to ask. I don' t know that they should be expected to communicate on this private forum (thanks just the same Mitch) but they do communicate quite good when I call...they even call back if I ask. Personally I'm having a ball.

Hi Pete,

I guess that you are right we just have to keep calling to get information, lets see if all 250 plus of us call and spend 5 minutes on the phone on each issue each week that will only use up the time of about 1 and 1/4 people's full time for the week.

I for one do not like to call and bug them unless I have a real need to know, things like what day is a kit arriving so I can have a forklift available or did they get the latest order processed and the last check in the mail, I ask these things to be sure they have not been lost or to prevent unhappy truckers and added cost.

I would hope that Van's staff would see the wisdom in communicating to the people who have put their faith in Van's and when there are the issues like the fuel tank it would be nice if they would just keep us informed with facts so that we would know where we are and not only receive information from third parties on a list like this.

Many on this list have also taken exception to Van's handling of revisions and changes. Many good suggestions have been made as to how to improve the system and many of these involved little or no new cost and as of now we have seem no progress in this area.

Best regards,

Hey Vern,

I don't disagree with you. But I do think everything is relative. Because I answer the phone and pay my bills on time etc, I expect everyone to. I would certainly expect anyone in the selling business to follow-up and keep potential future customers happy. I too would prefer to be kept "in-the-loop" but guess I have come to being pleased with those that do what they say they will do.

My real pet-peeve are those that advertise outstanding customer service (food stores? car dealers? airlines?) and don't even come close. When someone comes along that just promises a quality product and thats it I guess I just take any type of customer contact a plus. Probably not a good way to look at it but at least no is telling me one thing and delivering something else.

It is frustrating to see simple suggestions ignored but I think they are probably on a "do later" list. For a sales driven company trying to survive in this economy (some won't) I would guess their goal right now is to get RV12's in the air...their best sales tool of all.

Stay in touch...I enjoy your comments. P.S. My powerplant was sched to be delivered yesterday...they called to make sure I would be home all day. They never showed....arrrghhh.