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Rotax temp data

TS Flightlines

Well Known Member
Morning everyone. I have an unusual request. We are looking for oil temperature and pressure data on RV12's with the Rotax 912 engine package. Specifically, those of you that are using our Oil Pressure sender relocation kit, and our Thermostasis kit. We have a client with an unusual anomaly of oil pressure fluxuation. Skyview, AND verified with a separate mechanical gauge. As far as we are aware of, and Rotax is aware of, this is the only occurrence of oil pressure fluxuation with these packages installed. We have many (50+) flying worldwide, with no issues ever reported, so you can understand why we want to see if any other Rotax users are experiencing issues.

A couple of notes---The mechanical gauge is located in a tee, forward of the pressure sender, feeding off the common pressure hose, down stream from a restricted engine fitting. We had the client remove the thermostasis package and revert to the OE stock hose configuration, and the issue was still there. WE added a second, smaller restrictor of .015, and its alot better, but some fluxuation is still there. I inspected the hoses and found no issues at all. Before we made any changes to his system, we were going to see if anyone else was experiencing some crazy fluxuations.

The fluxuation isnt necessarily consistant, and can occur in straight and level cruise flight. Its really weird, almost as if the oil pump is cavitating. Rotax, and several Rotax engine guru's we've talked to are stumped. So any data we can get to get to the root cause of this anomaly is appreciated. It does act like instrumentation, until you get the same readings on the mechanical gauge.

If you have such occurrences, we'd appreciate knowing about it. You can email me at tsflightlines@gmail.
Thanks a bunch!