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Right-angle drill


Active Member
I can't really afford a good pneumatic right-angle drill but have already found that it would be extremely useful when doing things like match drilling ribs to spars. Can anyone recommend a good right-angle drill attachment that's worth anything? How about using a dremel with the flex attachment instead of a true drill?
What about this?

I have a pneumatic (ARO) right angle drill and one of these too. I use them both.The adapter is small and fits in tight spots better. I even made a right angle deburr out of it for a while. (Added homemade handle and deburr bit)


This particular model is light duty but should get you through your kit construction. No need to spend big bucks on a pneumatic.
Saw a right angle attachment recently that looked pretty good at Home Depot. I think it was a Dewalt.

OTH, Stein sometimes has some used rt. angle drills. I got mine off Ebay for about $95 & it turned out to be from him. Saw him at Oshkosh & he said he had some better ones that he hadn't put on Ebay.

Richard Scott
RV-9A Fuselage
You don't have to buy a right angle drill

I didn't buy a right angle drill until I was installing the crotch strap anchors in my 7A fuselage. Actually, I borrowed one and then bought my own immediately thereafter. They are a luxury, nice to have, but not absolutely essential. If money is a concern (and when is it not?) rest assured you can get by with long (12") #30 and #40 drill bits until at least the crotch strap anchors, because I did. I suspect one could finish the rest of the airplane without a right angle drill, but I am not there yet! Good luck.
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I almost hate to bring this one up, but does anyone here have any experience with the Harbor Freight right angle drill for $52?
I almost hate to bring this one up, but does anyone here have any experience with the Harbor Freight right angle drill for $52?
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#40 and even #30 12" long aircraft drills can be flexed over rib flanges in many places. For tighter spots I used the Avery 90 deg attachment in my trusty 14V DeWalt. It fits places that even a regular 90 deg drill won't. Careful with the torque reaction though. If you don't hold the head very steady it will tend to rotate with the drill chuck and cause the hole to wander to the left. Another useful gadget is an off set "pan cake" attachment that lets you side step around corners. It too takes stumpy threaded drill bits. Who would have relalized there is so much to something as simple as a hole?
Jim Sharkey
#40 and even #30 12" long aircraft drills can be flexed over rib flanges in many places.

I second that. I also considered first using angle drill but never haven't found it very convenient (not too much practice with it) so went with normal air drill and long drill with good results. They fit just fine between ribs even at the root.

throwing out the elt and strobe brackets i bought one for the baffle construction. i must say it rivals my pnuematic squeezer in usefulness. i really wish i had bought it sooner. it was purchased used (something i never do) from brown aircraft tool co. they threw in numerous bits for it x2. i just couldnt bring my self to pay 300+ for a new one. i'll never use it again after the crotch strap installation. oh yea it was about 150.00$