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Rides for Charity donations


Well Known Member
Hypothetically speaking, let's say one who races triathlons is also raising money for LLS as part of a race. And this individual also has an RV that he or she could use to give rides to friends for a donation to LLS.

Any issues with this?...
I used to do a lot of this type of thing but it is my understanding that it is not allowed in experimental planes. I may stand corrected.:confused:
No can do grasshoppah. You have to completely detach the "for a donation" part.
People have been using creative ideas to do this for years. Most likely not legal but people do it.

One guy around here auctioned a "Ride to the airport in his SUV with a certified pilot". Once there he offered to take the SUV ride winner for a ride in his airplane.

I don't own an SUV so it was not me! :p