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Results from the RV-12 survey


Well Known Member
I have closed the survey, the results are below. We had 105 builders respond with many still building (71 flying and 34 building). Not surprised with the satisfaction scores as rated by the builders.

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9-27-2012 4-33-39 PM.jpg

9-27-2012 5-54-27 PM.jpg

Anonymous comments:
Not happy with Vans aircraft when called for help about control system.
9/21/2012 9:06 PMView Responses

love my 12
9/20/2012 4:13 PMView Responses

Plans are the class of the industry, but still have many discrepancies which don't seem to get fixed.
9/19/2012 11:39 AMView Responses

love the aircraft. don't like two carburators. don't like the throttle.
9/19/2012 8:41 AMView Responses

Bought the kit from an estate sale. I've been going over work done already, I should have started from scratch.
9/18/2012 6:09 PMView Responses

The change from the D180, to the Skyview was a little challenging, but will be worth it in the end
9/18/2012 4:16 PMView Responses

This kit is more complete then the RV6 I built, but things still do not "just go together." There were many points of frustration.
9/18/2012 3:13 PMView Responses

one of the best experiences of my life, especially taking off for the first time.
9/18/2012 12:56 AMView Responses

serial number low....took months for parts to become available
9/18/2012 12:46 AMView Responses

Estimate less than 550hrs + paint (not bad for a first timer) completion time will be about 9 months. 10 with paint. BUT i had a plan and stuck to it: 1) Get all tools and materials well in advance. Waiting a week for a squeezer set is just stupid. 2) Read plans a week in advance so you know what is happening next week.REREAD them the day before and then on the day. (this save you alot of time... not wastes time) - reading 3 time prevent mistakes. 3) Follow instructions step by step they know better than you ! (you would think i should not need to say this) 4) Prime everything in big batches and just touch up any primer damage - it is there to protect not look fantastic. 5) Get a small and very very cheap: a) bandsaw. 14tpi b) drill press. c) bench grinder and scotchbright wheels. d) BUT get a good 25gal compressor - does not need to be expensive. You are going to use it. 6) Work consistently - 2 hours, 5 times a week is ALOT more valuable than 10 hours one day a week. You make less mistakes and get more done... and you enjoy it.
9/18/2012 10:32 AMView Responses

I'm not finished, but have second thoughts on building this design. I'm not happy w/the removable wings and fuel in the cockpit. I wish I had continued on the rv-9 I started.
9/18/2012 9:48 AMView Responses
Would have been better without removable wing compromises. Given Van's insistence on this, he should have sacrificed a few pounds and made a removable horizontal so bird can be trailered like a sailplane. 8' non-romovable tail plane puts it in an expensive, wide trailer. Rotax is pricey and support is arrogant but was best choice at time. EAB builders will be able to build a lot cheaper and simpler.
9/18/2012 7:59 AMView Responses

I do have the skin wrinkling problem which worries me. I officially reported and sent datafile to VAN;'s
9/18/2012 1:56 AMView Responses

Less than 700 hours. 24 months because we waited for the Skyview.
9/18/2012 1:28 AMView Responses

Still building
9/18/2012 12:26 AMView Responses

Kit #116, still building at 48 months, 12 more to finish engine and avionics. Perfection is the enemy of good enought!
9/17/2012 11:43 PMView Responses

Using a UL Power engine
9/17/2012 10:17 PMView Responses

I think we will finish around 900 hrs. I work full time and have a 14 year old son and a 19 year old daughter in college. I'm Building as I can pay for it. If money wasn't an issue, we could easily be done in two years start to finish. We have started the finish kit and I have really enjoyed the process.
9/17/2012 10:02 PMView Responses

Partner with 2 other pilots. Primarily built on Saturday work sessions over a two year period.
9/17/2012 8:57 PMView Responses

Dissapointed with Rotax. 2 fuel pumps, 1 oil sender, 1 egt (dynon), recall on propellar hub (sensinych), questionable landing gear design, plane great performance offsets some of the above
9/17/2012 7:18 PMView Responses

OUrs was built by high school students, hence the longer build time. Flies great!
9/17/2012 6:35 PMView Responses

Was 20 months. 4 months was dead time "Waiting for Skyview" - not a factor anymore.
9/17/2012 6:12 PMView Responses

Kit number 328, would like to build another one.
9/17/2012 5:59 PMView Responses

Had problems getting kits timely, probs with oil leak-got wrong oil tank from Rotax, lucky to even find that solution, glass cockpit components interconnectivity and interface probs including bad wire harnesses, but now flies Great
9/17/2012 5:40 PMView Responses

piece of cake
9/17/2012 5:33 PMView Responses

The `Rolls Royce' of aircraft kits. If they set up the RV-14 they same way with standard avionics, wiring and engine, they will have another winner. I estimate 1200-1300 hours to complete mine. Currently 980
9/17/2012 5:28 PMView Responses

Built as EAB (N1214J) 110 hrs. flying
9/17/2012 4:08 PMView Responses

A lot of minor engineering weak points in my opinion. I liked my RV6A a lot better; stronger, fewer safety changes, far more robust. The -12 is OK but that's about it. Would I do it again? I doubt it.
9/17/2012 4:04 PMView Responses

Great airplane and fun fun fun to fly!!!
9/17/2012 3:41 PMView Responses

Best flying SLA I have flown
9/17/2012 3:11 PMView Responses

I have flow 4 different Light Sport Aircrafts and the RV12. My opinion, the RV12 is by far the best flying LSA out there. Two of the 4 were SLSA by major companies and the other 2 were ELSA. Looking back as a project the 12 was a very easy build and exactly as I expected. Great plane!
9/17/2012 2:14 PMView Responses