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Recent Loreto, Mexico, Experience


Well Known Member
We are flying the new to us RV-6 to Loreto this weekend. I have done my home work and am ready to file or already filed my DVFR flight plans, both U.S. and Mexico eAPIS, and am comfortable about the required procedure for crossing the border and dealing with customs. However, I found no information online about FBO service, overnight parking and fees.

If you have been to Loreto, Mexico, recently, can you share your experience? I am looking for fuel and overnight parking only. What are my options, and is there a high price FBO that I should avoid?

Thanks in advance for your comments.
I fly there quite a bit. Don't worry about the Mexican EAPIS. It's not really in full effect yet. You do need to file with the US EAPIS. There is no such thing as a DVFR flight plan anymore. You just file an ICAO flight plan (both ways). Make sure you have a transponder code when crossing the border both ways. As far as costs you need to buy a US customs decal. A Mexican multi entry permit which can be bought at loretto. The gas is cheaper in loretto than it is in the US. They also take credit cards but you get a better exchange rate if you pay with cash. There is also a parking fee of a few dollars a day in loretto. Also sometimes they make you buy a visa but other times you can say you and your passengers are "crew" and then the visa is free. There is no real FBO to speak of.