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Rear Pax Suitability


I'm new to the RV-10 forum. I joined because I'm trying to learn if an RV-10 meets my needs.

Is there anyone who can talk to access suitability of the rear pax area for the disabled? Is there anyone that can talk to the suitability of fuselage sidewall modification for the purpose of moving a stretcher in/out of the RV-10?

Thanks very much for your input to my entry.
Welcome to VAF, John. Lots of -10 drivers in here, so I'm sure you'll get some input.

This is something that you will need to talk directly with Van's about. Personally, due to the type of construction, I doubt that it would be practical to do what you are proposing; but, like I say, the engineering staff at Van's would have to be the final answer.
I'm new to the RV-10 forum. I joined because I'm trying to learn if an RV-10 meets my needs.

Is there anyone who can talk to access suitability of the rear pax area for the disabled?

The first question is, how disabled? The good news is that the space in the RV-10 rear seats is quite a bit larger than a typical four place aircraft (i.e Cessna 172 or Cherokee) It is also quite easy to get in and out of compared to the front seats. Getting on and off the wing is more difficult in my opinion. I would use a small step stool instead of the normal step for somebody that has phtsical difficulties.

Is there anyone that can talk to the suitability of fuselage sidewall modification for the purpose of moving a stretcher in/out of the RV-10?

Thanks very much for your input to my entry.

I would give Van's a call, but be prepared for not getting a direct answer. They tend to not want to support modifications for liability reasons. There are some structural members of the fuselage that would require modification. It's not something I would want to tackle without significant engineering support.

I don't know if you could get a stretcher in with the rear seats and the front right seat out without modifications.

There is a RV-10 builder in Baton Rouge. If you've never see one up close, I would recommend visiting another builder or Van's tent at SnF or Airventure.


Thanks. I honestly did not know. I figured a structural mod would be something the company would be hesitant to respond to.

I will continue study. Not so much WRT my question, but more so about the aircraft. The ability to tailor the aircraft to my needs/desires at a price point that is mid-100k as a 4-place is very attractive. The excitement of building my own to achieve an end is equally attractive.

There is a great cruise video of an RV-10 on Youtube. While the speed of 155mph was not all that impressive, the view from 11.5M was very motivational; just like when I was coming back from the range at Nellis.

Thanks very much for your candid response. I appreciate it.


John Good
Thanks, Mel

This is something that you will need to talk directly with Van's about. Personally, due to the type of construction, I doubt that it would be practical to do what you are proposing; but, like I say, the engineering staff at Van's would have to be the final answer.


Thanks. Like I mentioned to Bob, I obviously did not know. It's just an initial inquiry.

I need to find out more about the aircraft. Overall, the concept of a 4-place of this size/quality is what I THINK my wife and I are looking for. However, we need to do more research.

We were looking at a Zodiac, but a friend of mine who's building an RV-7 told me the 601s were grounded. It may have been a structural failure, but I do not know anything but what my friend mentioned. Again, more research is required.

Again, thanks for your response.


John Good
We were looking at a Zodiac, but a friend of mine who's building an RV-7 told me the 601s were grounded. It may have been a structural failure, but I do not know anything but what my friend mentioned. Again, more research is required.

Actually it is only the 601XL that has the wing problem. The 601, 601HD, and 601HDS are fine. Also there IS a mod that supposedly fixes the 601XL problem, but I haven't inspected one yet with the mods.
Checking out a -10

John, I am the guy in Baton Rouge with a -10. It is quite a haul from up near Shreveport, if that is the right Elm grove, but if you are down this way let me know and you can check out my plane. It is on the wheel, canopy and windows in place, and no seats yet so probably at a good stage to measure and check out what you are looking at. PM me if I can be of any assistance.

Eric Kallio
Timely question

Leaving tomorrow to take my wife to Univ of Arkansas for cancer treatment using Gracie, the RV-10. Wife Deb has multiple spinal fractures and is partially disabled. I anticipate quite an ordeal loading her into the reclined right seat. Will know tomorrow.

We may be facing many future trips. From past experience with stretchers,I think a stretcher could be rigged for the right seat. Initial ideas would be to leave the right rear seat out. Construct a stretcher frame out of aluminum angle and mod the right front seat rails to hold it. Load stretcher in from the front of the right wing, engaging the rails which would have a lazy susan type swivel mount(similar to a fishing boat seat). Pax feet into rear seat/baggage area, head about where front seat is. Straps as needed.No structural mods needed on airframe. Suggest buying a finished one because it's a real big project if you have limited time.

Blessing in your effort to accomodate those we love.
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The power was pulled back, John...

. While the speed of 155mph was not all that impressive, the view from 11.5M was very motivational; just like when I was coming back from the range at Nellis.

Thanks very much for your candid response. I appreciate it.


John Good

.....if he was only doing 155. Mine easily trues 203+ at 75% and around 190MPH at 68%/7500' I got 204.5 on a 75% 4 way (north.east/south/west) run at a DA of 8200'.

Vern has a very good point in that you should consider buying....I did, below parts cost right now!

The guy in the video was only at 19.6" and 2400rpm, and looked to be doing 185 true with 225GS based on the MFD. Not bad. 11.5K is up there a ways for an NA.
Elm Grove to Baton Rouge

John, I am the guy in Baton Rouge with a -10. It is quite a haul from up near Shreveport, if that is the right Elm grove, but if you are down this way let me know and you can check out my plane. It is on the wheel, canopy and windows in place, and no seats yet so probably at a good stage to measure and check out what you are looking at. PM me if I can be of any assistance.

Eric Kallio

Eric, it is about five hours by car. I suspect I will need to travel there as time progresses. I will get with you when I do.

The guy in the video was only at 19.6" and 2400rpm, and looked to be doing 185 true with 225GS based on the MFD. Not bad. 11.5K is up there a ways for an NA.

Incredible! I only watched it once. I was trying to see if there were any other readouts of performance (e.g., GS). That's a great GS, especially at that pressure.

My RV-7 friend was remarking to me about prop noise. He seemed to think 2400RPM was normal. It seems a bit high. Is it realistic to obtain good cruise IAS at ~2000RPM with high pressures? I figured the slower prop speed cuts down on noise and improves fuel economy.

Best wishes for you and your wife

Leaving tomorrow to take my wife to Univ of Arkansas for cancer treatment using Gracie, the RV-10. Wife Deb has multiple spinal fractures and is partially disabled. I anticipate quite an ordeal loading her into the reclined right seat. Will know tomorrow.

We may be facing many future trips. From past experience with stretchers,I think a stretcher could be rigged for the right seat. Initial ideas would be to leave the right rear seat out. Construct a stretcher frame out of aluminum angle and mod the right front seat rails to hold it. Load stretcher in from the front of the right wing, engaging the rails which would have a lazy susan type swivel mount(similar to a fishing boat seat). Pax feet into rear seat/baggage area, head about where front seat is. Straps as needed.No structural mods needed on airframe. Suggest buying a finished one because it's a real big project if you have limited time.

Blessing in your effort to accomodate those we love.

Thanks. Best wishes for you and your wife. I hope the treatments work; all the harder with damage to the vertabrae.

I was talking with an A&P instructor at a university here. Originally he recommended I consider a C-210 that he said could be easily modified, similar to what you mentioned, by a guy over at KDTN. It just has me thinking. What we hope to do with this RV-10 is assist family's like yours that have no easy means of travel but need to travel a long way for things like your wife is going through.

.....if he was only doing 155. Mine easily trues 203+ at 75% and around 190MPH at 68%/7500' I got 204.5 on a 75% 4 way (north.east/south/west) run at a DA of 8200'.

Vern has a very good point in that you should consider buying....I did, below parts cost right now!



That makes more sense. The figures I read on Vans' site made me wonder.

To back that up.....

...we covered 278 miles yesterday, to Panama City, Fl. in 1 hour and 28 minutes with a slight crosswind...at 8000' on an IFR flight.
