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Rear guide for slider canopy. Any RV


Well Known Member
I was wondering how others addressed the slider canopy's rear guide? Did you paint it, leave it bare or anodize? I am curious to see if paint holds up well to the guide block sliding on it.
I just left mine in bare aluminum. I also opted to not fit that tethered sliding piece of UHMW plastic....I'm a fair weather flyer and the plane is hangared, so no real need for weather protection. I figure if I go to an overnight fly-in, I can stuff a chunk of foam in there temporarily.
I painted mine and wish I had not! The slider smudges up the paint so it would have looked better polished... I have since added the extension for the extended slider rails and didn't paint it. It looks just fine!
Black anodizing works great!

I anodized the slider guide and the side rails. There are several colors available, but black looks nice. Mine still look great after 1600 hours. I highly recommend it.

Dan Miller
RV-8. 1600+ hours of fun
black anodize on rear slide guide and all other canopy stuff, rear deck, exterior open handle ect


Had mine anodized black along with many other parts. Not worried about the potential wear. Ten minutes to remove and have it redone if needed.

A neighbor had his chromed with good results.
Thanks for all of your comments. I will have mine anodized black. Now to find a supplier.