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Really tiny slip indicator?


VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I am looking for a source of a really tiny slip indicator, and am wondering if anyone has a lead? I have about a half inch if panel underneath my GRT EFIS on my -8, and it's a perfect place for a backup ball/tube for when the fancy things all go on vacation. I have a 2 1/4" Pictorial Pilot as my backup turn rate indicator, and it doesn't have a ball. The separate ball/tubes that I've seen in the usual places (ACS, etc) are all designed to fit under a 3 1/8" instrument.

If anyone has found one and can send me a supplier name or link, I'd appreciate it!

Paul Dye
Gidday Paul,

I purchased a ball from WINTER instruments in Germany (call in and get one on your way back from Russia!) and while it was a little on the large size in the frame it was supplied in, I removed it from this box and manufactured my own smaller aluminium frame. The idea being that I could have a small flush mounted ball on the PAX side of the panel. Everything else I looked at was too large and chunky on the face of the panel.

I have seen some flashy Art. Horiz's with small "balls" intergrated within the face so I know you can get them... to be honest they are the sort of AH that I would expect to find on the Space Shuttle. Haven't NASA got a whole bunch of 'em in the stores out the back?? :)

By the way, thanks for your write-up on the RV scene in Russia. It made for interesting reading.


Thanks for the tip on Winter Instruements - I found a link to their site, and if I can figure out how to buy from them, that little thing could be modified as you suggest.

For many years, my favorite instruemnt in the Shuttle was the G-meter, because it was the only instrument in the cockpit that had absolutely NO electrical, data, or any other interfaces with anything - just a simple 2 1/4" G-meter, bolted in place. We did away with it when we went glass cockpit....

Paul Dye
Follow-Up - found one!

Just to close out this thread, I did consider the little units linked above, but I was loathe to spend $54 for something that could be sold in a dollar store if found in sufficient quantities. In looking through web sites, I hapened on Tru Trak, where I was reminded that the large version of the Pictorial Pilot actually has a slip/skid ball incorporated in the face (my smaller version doesn't).

"Hmmmm....since they manufacture their autopilots, I bet they have a supplier for those little balls!" I found myself thinking, so, figuring that if I could get my hands on the sub-assembly, I could build the mount that I needed. So I fired off an email to Tru Trak, asking if I could possibly purchase just the little ball in the tube.

Next thing I new, I got an email reply that they had shipped me a "miscellaneous part" by regular mail, and sure enough, when I got back from Moscow, there was a little envelope with exactlywhat I needed - and it was already in a mounting sleeve with ears for screws that fit perfectly under my EFIS. I'll have to post a picture.

Cost? I have no idea, because they didn't charge me for it! I almost hated to post this, cause I'd hate to start a "run" on their good will.... but I can assure you that when I go to add altitude hold to my system, I'll be buying Tru trak (again!).... What great customer service! :D

Paul Dye
You must be living right !! Found the right person at the right time and you ask just the right way.

Congrates!! I will definately consider giving them my business as well.

Ironflight said:
Just to close out this thread, I did consider the little units linked above, but I was loathe to spend $54 for something that could be sold in a dollar store if found in sufficient quantities.
Ahh, but are they Certified, Approved, STC'd, etc?

But then again, I suspect this fits into the category of "Does anybody really care?" :D