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Really aint not big deal


Well Known Member
Just got done watching this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07nZxVxX8n4

It's about the guys who flew the rocket planes, Yeager, Crossfield, etc.

It strikes me funny that so many folks I know are amazed that I built an airplane myself and fly it regularly like it's magic or bizarre or something.

While what we do is a bit extraordinary to many folks, I can't help thinking how trivial it is in regard to those who've come before. We're really not experimenting on much, or pushing any kind of frontier here. Heck, the X-15 flew before I was born.

I really salute and honer all of those who've made our "hobby" possible. Thanks, Orville, Wilbur, Glenn, Chuck, Charles, Amelia and all the countless others that came before.
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.... and Ray Stits, Dick Van Grunsven, John Harmon, etc... WOO HOOO!!!

A tip of the hat to all of them. None of us got here alone. We're all standing on the shoulders of the giants who came before.
Chuck Yeager

Two of my favorites are Chuck Yeager and Bob Hoover. Their autobiographies are classic reads.
Yeager was recognized awhile back being helped into the back seat of an F18 for a golden age flight.
When the pilot proudly described the AOA indicator on the dash, Yeagers response...."any pilot that needs one of those to fly an airplane shouldn't be in the cockpit"
Made me smile with all the discussion here on installing an AOA. I ALMOST went out to the shop and pulled the AOA tube out of my wing::rolleyes:
Chuck Yeager

Perhaps the only time I have agreed with Yeager on anything. I admit I am seriously biased because of the incredibly insulting remarks Chuck Yeager made about another Yeager-as in Voyager.