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Radios becoming unusable - interference from engine.


Well Known Member
I've been flying my RV-10 for 6 years now. I use noise cancelling Bose headsets, and over the past couple of years it seems as if the noise cancelling is working less and less well.

I finally tracked it down to some sort of interference coming from the engine. When the engine isn't running the com is clear as a bell, but as soon as the engine starts there's an electronic hiss that gets louder the more I rev the engine. Since my last annual inspection (last month) the hiss has become so loud that I can't hear anything over the radio. I must have done something during the annual to make this problem much worse, but I can't think of what it could have been.

Does anybody have any tips or ideas on what I can look for or do to remedy this? I have two radios and the problem is identical on both.
Thank you. These are all some very good suggestions. I now move forward armed with a plan.

It didn't occur to me that my radios could be actually picking this up thru the air - I thought it was some sort of EMF interference from a poorly shielded cable somewhere.

For the longest time I had no idea where this noise was coming from - I just knew it became harder and harder to understand the ATC. I thought my noise cancelling headset was crapping out.
Another place to look is your engine grounding cables/braid. Connections should be snug and corrosion free, and, obviously, cables not broken.
Besides turning off alternator, try turning off one ignition at a time, see if anything improves.
I recently went through this and it turned out to be bad spark plugs (I'm running auto plugs). Engine ran just fine just an annoying clicking noise in the headset.