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QQ: Tube Valve Stem Install?


Well Known Member
Hi Guys,

QQ: Quick Question..
I searched now for more than 1 hour and could not find the answer on the internet so I'm going to ask, cause I want to be sure it is right!

Last night I installed my tubes, rims and tyres, but I am not 100% convinced I did it the tube valve stem portion right, cuase the instruction manual is vague in this area, I have never installed an inner tube before :( :eek:

OK I aligned the valve stem with the RED dot, simple enough.
NOW I left the tapered silver washer on the stem, (picture below) it looks like it is suppose to nest in the wheel rim hole, so that the valve don't move. I joined the 2 rim halves with that washer outside the rim, between the rim and the tube. When the tube inflates it pusses the washer up agains the stem hole and it is suppose to nest in the hole. That means the stem can't move. Is that correct??

OK then I got 3 parts still left over after the install. The yellow cap is fine it goes on the stem, but are we suppose to use the other 2 nuts? I can't see how they come into play in our RV installation??

Thank you.
I used only the tube and the cap. The 2 nuts and the stepped washer are not used on my RV-9A.
You mean those two nuts that are designed to keep your wings and engine from falling off?? :eek:

You know those times when you doubt your knowledge about something you've done countless times? I've been doing my own tire and wheel maintenance on airplanes for a couple decades, and still I checked with 2 A&P's, and even called Cleveland to make sure I wasn't supposed to do something with those nuts....everyone said to throw them in the junk drawer, so I did.

Yeah, those nuts are the biggest mystery in the aviation industry! I've been installing tubes for 5 years, and NO ONE seems to know what they are for.

Actually I gave the 2 thin nuts to a bud restoring a '42 Luscombe. He lost his sometime during the disassembly phase.
When I asked the same question of Gus on the help desk at Van's he told me to throw all the hardware away apart from the valve stem cap.
Jim Sharkey
Nearing the end of an RV6 build.
PS - Through my years of building I have always found that a quick email to Gus at [email protected] is the best way to get my questions answered. The reply is based on the factory's design, analysis and test knowledge, plus years of building and flight experience, and usually arrives within a couple of hours. This forum is great for answers but there is a lot of "opinion" mixed in with hard data and it's sometimes difficult to tell them apart.
RV_7A said:

I would suggest using the washers inside the wheel.



Hi Jeff,

YES that is exactly what I did, just did not have a nice picture like you've got..So I assume it is correct???

And to other guys thanks, You've made me Laugh :D , the other 2 nuts will just go into the drawer with other 'spare' nuts.

spare parts

reminds me of the time in 7th grade when i took a watch apart. when i put it back together, there were a few spare parts....... :eek:

The design of the Luscombe wheels and tubes required nuts on both sides of the tube stem for proper positioning.
