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QB Wings - FYI/ Assessment


Well Known Member
For those who are receiving or considering QB Wings - In my inspection, I ran across several steps that had not been completed. Turns out, these are left incomplete intentionally.

Page 15-4, Step 3 - The rear spar and lower aft rib tabs were not dimpled, they were machine countersunk. Per Vans - this is intentional and not a concern. For the remainder of the lower skin/ rear spar interface, you can either dimple or countersink - your choice. Not a structural item.

Page 16-2 Step3 & 16-3 Steps 2&3 - inboard holes for nutplates were not drilled, dimpled or countersunk. Per Vans - This was intentional. Although the plans don't call for it, the holes are left open for final drilling the skin that covers the root area.

The other two steps were minor - The didn't dimple or fill the stall warning guideholes because they don't know whether or not the builder will be installing the stall warning hardware. They did not rivet the VA-146 bearing in place on Page 18-5, step 5. But again, that's minor and can be done in 5 minutes by the builder.

Overall, the wings were of reasonable quality. Some over-driven rivets, some under-driven rivets, a few cleated rivets that will need to be replaced. If I wanted perfect wings I would have done them myself (and then they would likely be even less perfect!! :) )

Time saved, build on.
Good catch on 15-4, I missed that but you are right, mine is counter sunk as well. The other steps which you mention I also had to complete. I found the quality to be good in my opinion. The only thing I found was that the bolts that attach the wing tanks to the spar were way over torqued. I pulled my tanks off anyway for a thorough inspection so it really wasn't a big deal. I also used an ohms meter to check the proper range of the floats, it worked great. Have fun!
