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QB Price Increase


Active Member
Did anyone out there see the $500.00 X 2 price increase in August for the Quick-Build Wings/Fuselage from Van's coming?

It came to me as a "surprise", i.e., I did not hear of any pending $ increases.
They, ($), usually come at the end of the year, so this one was unexpected.
skyyking said:
Did anyone out there see the $500.00 X 2 price increase in August for the Quick-Build Wings/Fuselage from Van's coming?
Haven't looked much RV-9 prices, but I believe these are current prices:


And older captures of this page can be found from Internet Archive so feel free to pick date: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.vansaircraft.com/public/kitprice.htm

So yes, you are correct that QB prices has gone up $1000. Not just for RV-9* but for every model... Now you can just blame yourself that you didn't buy the kit earlier. ;)
What about slow build prices?

Any idea if the slow build kits prices are going up? I will soon be ready to reserve a fuse kit here in a month or two....
The dollar has been taking a huge hit, mostly due to unchecked spending (not trying to get political here, just explaining what's happening). The feds are borrowing billions from China every few months, but that's not enough. They are printing money out of thin air to pay off debt and pay for the war and entitlement benefits. The more money in the supply, the less YOUR money is worth. It's a hidden tax that most Americans don't even know about. That's why the US dollar is struggling so much overseas. Foreign investors know this and that's why so many are dropping their assets held in US dollars.
philippine peso/dollar exchange rate

wow! i had no idea of the exchange rate.

from jan '70 till aug '72 i was stationed at clark air base in the philippines. when i got there, the exchange rate was 3.89 pesos/dollar. after i was there about a year the exchange rate went to 6.25 pesos/dollar, and stayed there until i left. seems strange to see >40 pesos/dollar.
QB Cost

I will not mention the company but this also happened three months ago on their container shipments. It's not over... If you're on the fence, buy now! :D

I almost wish you hadn't brought up the increase. I hadn't realized the price had gone up, and I was getting everything in place for a QB order.

Now I'm having second thoughts about the QB in favor of a Standard Kit, but I see that those prices went up also...DOOH!

I wonder what will happen to the prices in the upcoming recession?

Standard kits(?)

skyfrog said:
Now I'm having second thoughts about the QB in favor of a Standard Kit, but I see that those prices went up also...DOOH!
John, are you saying the Standard kit prices have increased as well?? I have a screen shot of Vans kit price page back in January when the '07 price increase first went into effect. The Standard kit prices appear to be the same as they are now.
Standard kit cost shouldn't be going up. Aluminum has been going down, it's at the lowest it's been in a while. The only reason for standard kits to be going up would be if sale decreased.
Standard Kit Increase

FlyerJumper said:
John, are you saying the Standard kit prices have increased as well??

I used the archive web site listed above to examine the order page and found the following:

Date Emp Kit Wing Kit Fuse Kit Finish

5/2007 $1485 $6020 $5600 $5610
Today $1530 $6185 $5750 $5700

Granted, these are not as large as the $1000 QB increase, but $450 could have bought a nice pneumatic squeezer.
