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Put your money where your mouth was


Well Known Member
Come on all you guys who said you wanted to get in on the Bruce's custom canopy cover discount. Only a couple of days left. Doug went to the trouble to save us a little and now its time to step up to the bat and follow through. Only 17 orders out of 70 shows me there's a awful lot of B S er's out there. I'm trying to make you feel a little guilty here.
Hoping to get a canopy cover.
Thanks <g>.

For what it's worth, my coworker at the day job order one of Bruce's covers for his RV-7 a couple of weeks before the discount offer. It came in the mail and we just opened the box here at the office.

This is a quality cover. I for one will go ahead and place my order even if the 50-person discount doesn't materialize.

Scott had his N number sewn on and it's all colors that match his plane. I'll get a pic of it on the plane when I get a chance.

Sorry, I'm one that said I was interested but now probably won't purchase. Since March I've spent a truck load on avionics and all the misc stuff that's needed at the end of the project. And I still have more avionics to buy. Plus I'm trying to fly more to get current, which means renting a plane. Plus I'm facing some steep low-time pilot insurance premiums. Plus, plus, plus... you get the picture.

I don't forsee needing a canopy cover until I start doing some long overnight cross-countries--probably at least a year from now. I'd like to have one, but I gotta cut costs where I can right now.
not enough

I am still in the building stages, but weighed in on the discount poll because I would have bought if the discount had been significant (as I did with the Crow harness offer). There will be other (and hopefully better) deals before I get to the point of needing a canopy cover.

I would have stated this opinion on the original thread, but it was locked.
Can someone contact me and let me know the detailas of the canopy cover buy. It may be too late, but I am now interested in replacing the homemade one I now have.