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Propeller options for aerosport 375

I have an aero sport power engine (o-375 205hp 9.6:1 compression) from 2010 and it looks like back then they only install non-counter weighted crankshafts :(

It seems like nowadays, no company says their constant speed prop is compatible with non counterweighted cranks. I’ve checked composite ones from hartzell, MT, and whirlwind.

I have a Catto prop right now but the plane is incredibly slow for an RV7a. I can barely get it above 152 KTAS. Fastest was probably 158 KTAS. Rigging is fine. It’s just a climb prop was what I was told. So I send the prop to Catto to repitch but I was told that I got a different blade than what they sell now and I’ll only get another 3kts for 2” of pitch. The folks at Catto were nice enough to offer to trial a prop in a couple weeks with the all around pitch and see how they performs.

I’ve wanted to get a constant speed prop in the future was eyeing the Whirlwind 300 or 330 initially and was hoping to upgrade in a year or two or so when funds permit. Seemingly with the whole non counterweighted crank situation that’s not even a possibility and so am I just stuck with a lemon of an engine and slow RV?
I can’t imagine that your propeller is causing it to be slow.. unless you are throttling back for a certain RPM.. in cruise, the fixed pitch vs CS planes are about the same. Sometimes Fixed pitch may be faster because the blade goes all the way to the root. The real benefit of the CS prop is noticed on takeoff and climb out.