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Pro G Hub approach fast stack ????


Well Known Member
Any experience in the group with the products (Pro G Hub) supplied by Approach Fast Stack http://www.approachfaststack.com . At first glance it looks like a real elegant way to interconnect the insturments in the panel.

Some of the questions I have include: 1. How is the company to work with? Is the install as easy as they say! Any maintence issues?

Frank @ SGU RV7A "NDY"
Fast stack

Simple panel, you'll probably be OK. Complicated panel, I'd go another route. I have one behind my panel, but it is a basic VFR setup. Worked great for me. I know of another who has lots of interconnecting avionics, displays, and his experience has been a nightmare! He's taking his out and going the premade harness route.
Nice concept, real advantage is it makes changes down the road real easy, but I'd definitely "Approach" them cautiously! To me, it would be just as easy to buy premade harnesses and install them.
I don't have one, and have not done any actual hardware work with one, but i have helped people do the software setup on several EFIS panels who used the Hub system for their wiring. I can say that the documentation is very thorough - to the point of giving the owner so many charts and tables that I spend more time trying to figure out what channels are talking to what than I do actually setting things up. If an owner had done their own wiring, they could probably tell me with a very simple set of chicken-scratching what wires go where.

I don't want to say anything bad about a product that I really haven't used, and from what I can tell, the Approach System folks are really trying to provide a solid, accurate system for people. I have heard people say before that if your system is very complex, it is better to wire it with a custom harness, and if it is simple, the hub might be OK. In my view, the first part of that is right on - if you have a very complex system, it will probably be easier to figure it out later if you have done the wiring, or if you have a custom harness built. And if your system is simple, then it is actually pretty simple to just do the wiring.

However, I acknowledge that it is very easy for me to dismiss it since I have been fortunate enough to have enough experience to do my own wiring. A lot of people see the panel as a bag full of snakes that make no sense. If that's the case, and you're planning on paying to have your wiring done, I'd suggest talking to someone like Stein, and see what kind of advice he'd give on going custom wired or Hub. In my limited experience, you are as likely to have to learn something about your electronics with the Hub as you are with a custom harness - or if you build it up yourself. And learning about how it all works is a GOOD thing! ;)

(This is a little bit of a Mac vs. PC thing....)
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Approach Sport Hub

I was lazy and did not want to deal with the crimping and installation of all those miniture sub pins along with the possiblity of getting something wrong. So I purchased one of the Approach system sport hubs. While rather expensive installation was a breeze of simply plugging the cables into the respective slot. I have a basic VFR panel and so far everything has worked so it was as they advertised.

You tell them what you have and they do all the cable wiring for you.
Bill, Allan, and Paul

Thanks for the info.

Bill I would be interested in the specific nightmares your friend encountered. I wonder why they couldn't have been resolved by the Fast Stack folks? I also wonder if the problems he encountered have led to improvements in the Fast Stack System? Maybe I need to call Tim @ Fast Stack and quiz him a bit more about some of this info.

Thanks for the help.

Frank @ SGU RV7A "NDY"

I considered faststack when I wired my panel but I enjoy doing the wiring myself so I did not go that route and have no first hand knowledge relative to the product. Below however are links to some discussions by others who have.

Fast Stack 1

Fast Stach 2

Fast Stack 3
Approach Hub

I have installed an Approach Hub in a rather full RV7a panel. Panel can be seen at:


The panel includes a 530W, SL30, PS8000, 327, and three GRT Horizon screens. The install went smoothly, no problems and it works. The documentation is great, and very complete. They do a great block diagram that clearly shows the avionics interconnects. The hub is worth the money.

I am a happy customer.

In my opinion, the advantage of the hub are easy installs and the ability to update the panel to include new avionics by cabling to the hub.

Tom Lewis
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Good Product

I purchased the Pro-G Hub some time ago (have not yet installed it). Appears to be a well made product. The company was a pleasure to work with. Probably a little more expensive than the standard wiring harness but just like everything else in this plane-building business - you can either spend TIME doing it yourself or MONEY to get it done faster. Your call.
Pro G Hub

As typical of many discussions people throw out comments without specific experience with the product. (from another list) After reviewing many of the posts here are my comments. First, the company was sold a while back and is in the hands of some great people in Minnesota. I purchased mine from the previous owners. I was working on an issue and contacted the new owner (Tim) and he was 100% helpful. The previous people were great too. Everything worked as it should from the first time the power was applied. There were a couple of minor issues encountered that are discussed below.

Someone mentioned the weight difference. I think in the overall scheme it may add a little but so does failing to go to the bathroom before flying!!!

It will handle ANY system. As far as upgrading, it is as simple as adding the appropriate cable. There may be a chance you would have to send in the hub, but not sure. How many people change out their panel anyway. If you needed to can the whole thing, this would be the cheapest thing to replace anyway.

You get the complete wiring diagram and specific "pin outs" for each cable. Not being familiar with this aspect of building, I found the diagrams and pinouts easy to read.

I mounted the Hub just behind the panel (tip up) on the right side. It is 100% accessible and looks very neat with the cables tied together and running to the avionics. All of the cables have the computer look with sealed connectors at each end. (except the audio panel at the avionics end)

I figure I added about $400 to the overall cost of the wiring with the system. The $400 was well worth the reduction of the BS factor on the install. The install is quite simple with biggest issue being the audio panel with lots of loose wires to find their homes.

I have the Pro G hub with the following equipment integrated with the hub.

Garmin 340 audio panel
Garmin 430 GPS Nav/Comm
Garmin SL40
Garmin 330 Mode S transponder
Garmin 106A CDI
Trutrak Digiflight II VSGV auto pilot
ACK encoder

The only issues I had with the purchase was not know what the full capabilities of the avionics I selected. As an example, I did not know that I needed 4 unswitched audios for various components. The old Approach Systems apparently did not either and didn't wire for these. With the guidance of Approach Systems I was able to pin out a few more wires. Not a huge deal. Also the Garmin 330 Mode S transponder has Density Altitude capability if wired for a temperature probe. I did not know this. Again I wired a couple of wires and it was done.

I spoke with the new owners about this. I recommended that they conference with customers as to their equipment and the capabilities so everything is wired as desired and the full capabilities are experienced. Tim related they would do that. I should also point out that their knowledge of individual pieces of avionics is exceptional. Since they are an avionics shop the knowledge base is excellent.

In summary, if you are concerned about your ability to wire your panel, simple or complex, do not hesitate use the Approach Systems product. Despite the nominal extra cost you will reduce your wiring time 10 fold with a system that works as it is supposed to.

Sorry for the length but I wanted to clear up some of the misconceptions reported.
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Pro hub

Good folks. Knowledgeable and very responsive.

I have their Pro Hub in my 6A and am in process in the RV-10.

A Falcon Squadron mate who is an avionics tech has one in his RV-4.

Spruce carries and catalogs them or you can buy direct.