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Princeton Converter


Well Known Member
I am wiring my Garmin G3x Touch. I have the Princeton converters too use with the Van's cap. plates. Garmin does not seem to list the wiring diagram to use Princeton. IF someone has done this ( I see some have) I need to know where to connect the red power wire from the converter? I have a drawing from Stein but it does not show the Princeton unit. I called Princeton , but they did not have the Garmin pin for the 12 volt red wire.

I am sure will resolve it with Princeton, but just wanted to see what other G3X touch people did.

Originally I tried to power my Princeton converters from my GSU73 12v sensor power output but had problems with the inrush current of the converters causing the GSU73 to shutdown the 12v power.

I connected them to their own dedicated 12v source and the problem went away.

If you have the newer modular GEA24 be sure to read page 23-41 (rev W) of the manual.
If you have the original GSU73 be sure to read page 23-63 (rev W) of the manual.

The pinouts/diagrams for the 12v sensor power and the converters are listed in the latest installation manual.
Since the Princeton converters are a voltage output, follow the directions for the Skysports/Westach senders.
Page 27-2 (rev W) for the GEA24
Page 27-7 (rev W) for the GSU73
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I have done some checking in the manual. It appears that the 3 wires coming out of the Princeton unit do not really work like the Westec converter. According to the notes on page 23-41 ( Thanks to you I discovered I did not have the latest revision of the Garmin G3X touch manual) you must connect the Princeton red and ground wires to aircraft power, Not to the Garmin 24 unit. I will attempt to contact Princeton on Monday to see for sure, but there really is no diagram in the manual on how to connect the unit and Princeton does not give much help with thee instructions.

Thanks again.
Hi Have the AFS 4500 with the princton. If its any help that is how I have mind. Red and Black to the aircraft 12 volt power with a fuse or cb. The Yellow wire to the AFS4500 providing a signal
It all helps. My problem is I am just ignorant when it comes to what the Garmin expects as a input from the Princeton converter. I Emailed GRT and I am sure they will respond.

I decided to wire my own panel. It would have been way easier to have Stein do it, but I wanted to learn just how all these boxes work. I pretty much have figured out most, but this one has me stumped, mainly because of the lack of info in the Princeton documentation. I paid For a complete wiring diagram for my G3X touch, Garmin, 650, 200 Com, Audio panel, Auto pilot and GRT Mini X and a back up battery. The drawing is worth every cent of the $ 400. Not to mention if someone ever needs to go in and change or repair anything. So far this fuel converter is the only problem. My fault since I did not specify it when the drawings were made.

Thanks agin for the help to all.