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Please help keep this site online.

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doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
Doogie here (your humble host).

Readership is up 35% over 2013, but donations are currently (383) less than that year.

I'm trying my hardest to bring you a good product with this site. Trying to motivate, to spotlight fun and persistence and friendship...to promote a fulfilling hobby in an increasingly hate-filled world. If you've enjoyed the site this year, and have yet to help keep it online with a donation, please note there are very few days left in the 2015 pledge drive. You can read about it at http://www.vansairforce.net/PledgeDriveVAF2015.pdf.

Those who have donated so far in 2015 are listed at: http://www.vansairforce.net/2015Donations.pdf. Thank you!!!!

If you haven't donated, and want to go straight to the 'How can I donate?' link, it's right here: http://www.vansairforce.net/yearlypledgedrive_value.htm#creditcard

To be honest I'll be glad when it's over, because it absolutely makes my skin crawl asking for money. But, this site is shockingly expensive to keep online, and is the only source of income for my family.

I have to ask.

The home office...where the magic happens:

I currently spend more than an RV-7 kit from Van's costs each year on I.T.-related line items as they pertain to VAF servers, bandwidth, backups, monitoring, security, patching, software licensing, migration planning and more. To date, donation levels are running at (1) out of every (30) I.P. addresses that use it, or another metric is roughly (1) out of every (10) registered forum users.

Dec 31 I'll stop asking, and won't bring it up again for months if at all possible. I'm pretty sure I dislike asking for money more than you dislike reading this. THANK YOU to those who have donated!

Please help keep this site online if you haven't already.

Doug Reeves

PS: I locked this thread as it is for situational awareness only, the 'people should donate' threads make me far too uncomfortable. And sorry again for the interruption. I do not enjoy doing it.​
Last edited:
Status update: three days left...

As of Dec 28, 2015 11:38:20 CST

(2,154) donations so far this year....(470) less than donated in 2013.

More info at the top of this thread.
Status update: two days left...

As of Dec 29, 2015 18:37:26 CST

(2,241) donations so far this year....(383) less than donated in 2013.

More info at the top of this thread.

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