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Pilot - MX cooperation


I would like to talk a little about how you found the proper way to cooperate with maintenance guys, how to ensure your best as a pilot regarding repairs, works done etc.

It is known by regulations that the pilot is the one who has the ultimate responsibility of integrity and safety of the aircraft he operates, so how do you find from your experience the best way to ensure this together with checking mx logs, have a good preflight after repairs and other tips related? How can a pilot ensure that that work is done as it should, except being itself a mech?

Sorry mech guys, no argue for you, the purpose of the thread is to find out the best way to cooperate, despite that old advice which says to never trust you. :lol: :mrgreen:
I've been doing maintenance for almost 11 years now and am an A&P. And flying for... well... not nearly that long. lol

All I can say is KNOW YOUR PLANE. Or, whatever plane your renting. If you don't know your plane or the platform you're flying then ask. If you want to boost someone's ego, ask them to teach you something about the plane your getting ready to fly. Learn what the different components are supposed to look like and how certain items are supposed to be set up. Learn which way safety wire is supposed to go (common rookie mistake - mis-routing safety wire) Or,...worse comes to worse... Have a good friend who is a maintenance guy. We're not all drooly, grease ball, wrench turning, mouth breathers. Maybe trade ground maintenance time for flight time with him/her.

By all means YOU are responsible for accepting your aircraft. But don't think that means us maintenance guys don't care. If that plane does go down,... and the investigation reveals it was a maintenance malpractice at fault. Guess who's gonna be responsible now.
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Speak for yourself

We're not all drooly, grease ball, wrench turning, mouth breathers
Seriously, your best bet is to learn the structure and systems. Crash course a piece at a time if you have to. Talk to your mechanic, understand and agree with what he wants to do, then look to make sure its done.
Quite interesting advices. I really appreciate.

I would like some advices regarding post-maintenance flights and also, about the ensurance regarding critical structural repairs like airframe or flight controls.

Also, what interests me particularly is how to ensure the safety condition of the airplane, the problem is I'm not yet an owner, I use to fly planes which I don't own.