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Petit Jean Shortfall - In Case You Want to Chip In


Well Known Member
I ran this post concept by Doug first and he said "absolutely" it would be OK to post.

The gathering on the mountain was fantastic but had one giant snag this year, about 36 hours of not a soul being able to land at Petit Jean due to low ceilings and poor visibility. Fortunately, everyone stayed safe, whether it be at alternate airports or by staying home. Nicely done everyone!

However, all the shenanigans put the EAA group hosting the event in the hole by about a couple grand. Actually, I'm amazed the loss wasn't a whole lot larger considering a little more than half of the planned attendees arrived. That was due to generous folks paying the full-weekend registration fee even if they only made it in Saturday afternoon, others adding random amounts to their registration fee, people buying more raffle tickets than they would have otherwise, and other creative ways to help contribute to the kitty. To these folks, THANK YOU MUCH!

Many others have expressed interest in trying to help offset the deficit. If you want to chip in, anything you might care to part with would be appreciated by EAA 165, the volunteers who work their tails off, and those that have gotten to enjoy the event or will in the future. Bill has already said this isn't going to stop Petit Jean 2017, but I think we should give them all the reasons to not pause a single moment in continuing to put in the exceptional effort that they do every year even while knowing Mother Nature may choose to not cooperate and throw them deep into the red.

For those so inclined, checks should be made payable to EAA 165 and mailed to:
Bill Schlatterer
43 Masters Place Drive
Maumelle, AR. 72113

Thanks for being a part of this fantastic group of aviators and friends.
Carol and I agree wholeheartedly and will be sending a check tomorrow. I'd rather play tail number bingo but I bet Mya would just keep winning!

Seriously, this is a truly wonderful event. First class all the way, with a very welcoming family- like atmosphere. We were so glad we were able to make it and look forward to next year!

Last year Ms. Patti was laying in a hospital bed, still partially paralyzed after a stroke. I went home to get a shower and some clothes, and found an email from Bill, announcing the date for PJ 2015. Ms. P wasn't yet speaking well enough to answer the phone, so I sent her a text..."Just got the date for PJ, you want to go?". She propped her phone in her lap and one-fingered with her left hand, "**** yes", and it was what she worked towards the rest of the year.

Last week was our sixth time at PJ...and I doubt I could drag Patti to Oshkosh with a Learjet. Yeah Tanya, we're in.

Dinner for 200+ at the Winthrop Rockefeller Institute isn't free, nor are the transport vans, the big tent, the catered BBQ, or anything else. To make it work, it's my understanding that the Arkansas gang has to guarantee around $16,000, with the knowledge that a shortfall has to come from their own pockets.

Hey, let's be real. The PJ guys don't need our money. They are uniformly bright, successful people, and getting stuck with the tab won't break them. On the other hand, I'd be seriously ashamed to stick 'em with it after they've hosted me and mine so graciously all these years...and if you're a PJ regular, I suspect you feel the same way.

So, here's the deal. Let's think high, and kick in $100 each. Forty or fifty hard-core PJ fans can fix last week's weather disaster, and start a little nest egg for next year so our friends don't have to worry. It's just doing something nice in return for all they've done for us.

How about it? Will you match me?

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I'm in...I haven't even flown my -8 yet, but flying it to PJ is one of my goals. I'm a native Arkansan and went to college in Conway so it feels like home to me....and I want to support the home team!:D
I'm in, too. I hope to go some day and I want it to be as vibrant and enjoyable as the accounts that made me want to go.

My wife and I have never been to Petit Jean. However, the yearly pictures have been a motivator to complete our project. We are very close to kit completion and need that event to be available in the future. So, yes Dan we will match you.

P.S - we also need the Rosie Carribean trips to continue!
--- SNIP ---

So, here's the deal. Let's think high, and kick in $100 each. Forty or fifty hard-core PJ fans can fix last week's weather disaster, and start a little nest egg for next year so our friends don't have to worry. It's just doing something nice in return for all they've done for us.

How about it? Will you match me?

I am one of the ones that did not make it this year. My matching check is in the mail.
Thanks so much !

Several of the PJ locals have been viewing this thread and frankly, we are a little short on words. That isn?t like us but the support for this year?s shortfall is overwhelming in a host of different ways. The thing that has really hit us the hardest is the incredible personal support that is behind your generous donations. Our team works hard to throw a good event and we hope you know it?s not about the dollars, the place, or the planes?.. it?s about the people in the planes... it's a gathering of friends...our RV friends!

From the Petit Jean website??That?s our theme, our mission and our passion! We just want you to come, bring your spouse or friend, and have an ?RV easy? good time! It's our hope that you would meet a new friend, find a new interest, and have a great RV weekend!?

The RV Community is just amazing and the crowd that gathers at Petit Jean on the RV Mountain is living proof! Reading your comments, we feel like our our "hopes" have been met 10x over. The friendships made and sustained on the mountain are humbling to us all. Thanks so much for your support, your help, and most importantly for your friendship! The Gathering really is about our RV family ?. a family of friends!

On behalf of EAA165 and the whole Petit Jean Team ?? Thank You :) 2017 is ON!

The Petit Jean Indians :)

The genuinely coolest package of Petit Jean 2017 ;) (oops 2016) memories, faces, and smiles got wrapped up in a video by Kent Officer. You can access it directly from this link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/886jajp0ngzmj1j/Petit Jean Fly-in.m4v?dl=0 Give it a few seconds to load and turn the sound up... the music is perfect!

You can also go to the website www.petitjeanflyin.com/videos/ and check out the first video on the list. It's very cool and my bet is that you?re in it ;)
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1st time there, managed to get in around lunchtime so missed the trails etc. Still had a great time camping though. Looking forward to next year. Check is in the mail.
I'm not sure you guys should be trusting this "tcard" person. She is one of those people with an incomplete profile and a "low post count". Maybe that is how she stays healthy enough to run Joel's kids around the ramp until uncle Bill loads them all up on the golf cart for a high speed taxi.

Thanks to all for helping with one big reset with sights on next year.

You can tell Bill has this year long in the past in his mind and is laser focused on next year :).
Several of the PJ ...
The genuinely coolest package of Petit Jean 2017 memories, faces, and smiles got wrapped up in a video by Kent Officer. ...
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Carol and I agree wholeheartedly and will be sending a check tomorrow. I'd rather play tail number bingo but I bet Mya would just keep winning!

Seriously, this is a truly wonderful event. First class all the way, with a very welcoming family- like atmosphere. We were so glad we were able to make it and look forward to next year!


And this is just to prove Vic and Carol were really there :) Photos by Paul Brown


We'll be posting all the pictures like this one on the website later this week! What a nice couple in a really nice airplane!
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Add one more to the stack! My wife and I made it last year and had a great time. Looking forward to next year. Thanks for everything you guys do!

We were among those who could not make it in at all. Paying for this year is just a no brainer because, well, Bill and all the EAA 165 group are OUTSTANDING people!!!

I think the attitude of all these "RV" folks is as close to perfect a response to this thread as you can get:
Lauren Paine article in SA
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A new event to dream about.

I may have missed something here. :confused: This sure looks like a fantastic RV event and something to shoot for. Has this replaced "LOE" as the premier fly in?
Just realized there hasn't been any chatter about "LOE" and a search found zilch.
I musta missed sumpin.:rolleyes:
Yup, Tom. I think so. It was a very very cool fly in and great fun. When it comes to an event like this it is more than the location, time and weather (which were great, great and lousy). It has much more to do with the organizers and the results of countless hours of volunteer work that is the backbone of the "magic". I now know why the rooms were booked up for months (prior to the weather). You just can't beat the great hospitality. The local EAA chapter is great. And beyond that the individuals involved are even more so. As is the case with most great happenings, it comes down to the individuals involved. That they are RV folks is but icing on the cake.

"Go Petit Jean 2017"
I may have missed something here. :confused: This sure looks like a fantastic RV event and something to shoot for. Has this replaced "LOE" as the premier fly in?
Just realized there hasn't been any chatter about "LOE" and a search found zilch.
I musta missed sumpin.:rolleyes:


Having been to many of the LOE Fly-Ins before they left New Mexico, I have to say that Petit Jean is the Premier RV Fly-In! Petit Jean 2015 was my first for the event. IIRC, there were 114 airplanes at Petit Jean and only a handful at LOE 2015 as they were the same weekend.

I had plans to be at Petit Jean 2016 but cancelled my reservations on the day I was suppose to travel as it appeared to me that weather was going to be poor at best. I had planned to arrive on Thursday a day early so I could help get stuff set up on Friday.

I sent EAA 165 a check as I was unable to help them this year and I was one of the ones that said I would be there and did not make it. I may have to plan to arrive 2-days early for 2017.
Donatin Sent

Hated to miss it this year. Creates even more anticipation for next year! Donation in the mail.
Are the dates for 2017 set? There's always some fly-in overlap and this year was no exception.

Looking forward to my first time on RV Mountain.
Thanks to all ...... Donater's :)

Completed and sent. See you all next year.

Holy Spotted Cow and Cheese Curds :) You fly a thousand miles, then drive another 500, all the while hauling Cow and Curds. :p Then you pick up strays, deliver the mail, and who knows what else :D and then still arrive in time for dinner! That's real RVating !;)

Thanks to you and Kathy, several folks made it to the Gathering that would have been sitting forever waiting on the overcast to lift! I'm sure they said it but thanks for them to.

Thanks EVERYONE ... Can't thank all the donater's enough! Not sure "donater" is a good word but in Arkansas,...... the Petit Jean Indians all think it means "Great Givers who don't have to!" :)

See'ya back on the Mountain ! Bill

PS....lost three Cows Friday night and most of the Curds...white ones are best! :rolleyes:
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Hello everyone!!
I think "donater" is just fine Bill.
I'm new to the RV world, my wife and I made it to our 1st RV fly in at PJ this year. The wx tried to detour our plans, so we chose a 3hr motorcycle ride down. I was moved by the amount of nice folks we met, the great food and the array of incredible RV's we saw. Have yet to even fly an RV.. hopefully we will arrive in our own next year (fingers crossed for a -8 from Santa). :)
Here comes our matching donation in the hopes we see you at PJ17.

Fly safe everyone... all the best!
Any updates on this? Has the shortfall been covered?

Happy to help if needed but not wanting to buy a piece of a 350ft tall cross.

I just wanted to thank everyone who has contributed both from those that attended and many from those that did not. Your gracious help has just about got us back in the "only lost a little" category which is pretty much where we are every year! Counting checks still in the mail, we should cover a majority of our fixed expenses. Way more than we thought we would on Friday Morning! :) Depending on the mail, there is a remote possibility that we might end up with a nickel to put toward next year. (never happened before but it could :eek: )

I have dropped a line to about half of the contributors and intend to email everyone who sent a check so that they know it was received and appreciated. In particular, thanks to Cookie(Tanya Card), Dan Horton, Vic Syracuse, and others on the VAF who initiated, committed, and bumped this thread. It would not have happened without your support. I guess if you can build an airplane....well, you can make almost anything happen ;)

On behalf of EAA 165 and the whole Petit Jean Team ... a big thanks and a promise to keep it all going. The gathering of RV friends, on the Mountain and off, is what Petit Jean is all about... no worries .... 2017 is most definitely ON! :)
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Quick Update

Wow....Got home tonight and had 10 envelopes in the mail. It will take me a while to get emails to everyone but someone suggested that I just put the donor initials in a post for the ones I have received just to confirm that I got them!

That almost sounds too easy and in no way says thank you enough but it did sound like a quick way of acknowledging that the mail got delivered. I also had one brave soul that sent a real C-Note and I got it :) and I know you know who you are!

So here is the list for now but know that if you don't see your initials or haven't received an email from me by this weekend, send me a PM. There are several folks who sent checks and/or cash that have never attended (AMAZING...thanks so much) and I don't have email addresses on them. Here 'tis:


Updated 11/14/16

RV'er's are solid gold! :)

Thanks from all of us on the Petit Jean Team .... which obviously includes you :)
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Great folks!

We were one of the folks that didn't get to fly in this year. Had lots of beer and couldn't let it all go to waste, so we drove down in the trutrak truck and stayed thursday and friday nights. What I am most bummed about was not being able to share our latest modification to the RV-10, which was specially done for this event! OH well, next year!

We had to get back home on Saturday for another event so we missed out on most of the folks this year. BUMMER!!!

A big HUGE thanks to the guys in Little Rock that make this event happen. It is just an amazing and awesome time every year.

Oh yeah, here is the picture of our modification...
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Pretty cool!

Dang Andrew! I think you need to fly down here to unload some of that beer!
That's a pretty neat setup you have there. I hope we see you sooner than OSH!

Oh and we sent Bill a check too. We sure hated not being able to see everyone this year. We always enjoy visiting with all the fine folks with nice stories to tell.
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Dang Andrew! I think you need to fly down here to unload some of that beer!
That's a pretty neat setup you have there. I hope we see you sooner than OSH!

Oh and we sent Bill a check too. We sure hated not being able to see everyone this year. We always enjoy visiting with all the fine folks with nice stories to tell.

But everyone that eventually got there ... About 98 ish in total ins & outs, took one of Amanda's First Class dop kits home in their goodie bag! So see ...... You were there :)
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