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Pax Loading and Tail Strike


Well Known Member
So this has been discussed plenty before, but wanted to foot stomp it for the new builders as I did it yesterday departing OSH. Here's the scenario: We had packed (baggage compartment maxed out in both weight and volume) and pulled the plane out of our camp spot in HBC for engine start but we had a 3-hr delay waiting for the airport to open after the Meridian crash. In the meantime my wife and son took off for a walk while we waited. When the airport opened, it was a mad dash to get fired up and in line for departure. I texted my wife to beat feet back and found out they had gone as far as Boeing Plaza. Mistake #1: we were in a mad rush when they finally got back to get everyone in and the engine. Mistake # 2: After the kids where strapped in, in our haste both my wife and I broke the cardinal RV-10 loading rule and stepped up onto the wing simultaneously resulting our plane tipping back onto it's tail. :( I jumped off as soon as I realized what was happening, but it was too late. I immediately picked the tail up and the good news was I was super lucky in that there was no damage (other than my pride :eek:). This was due to the ground was very spongy with the grass/weeds and the tip back was gentle. Had it been on the concrete I'm not sure I would have escaped without at least having my tail strobe and bottom rudder fairing broken.

So the moral of the story is take your time when loading -- don't be rushed and don't let 2 adults step up onto the wing at the same time especially if you have a full load in back.
Leave your aft tie down ring in place for these occasions on hard surface.

That makes since now that I think about the geometry. In my case the ring was there (I'm to lazy to pull them) but it sunk into the ground which allowed the rudder fairing to hit.
I haven't had my seats and cabin top installed at the same time (yet) but is it not possible to load the front passenger first (like a C-182, front pax in and adjust seat forward, now rear pax can get in more easily)?
I haven't had my seats and cabin top installed at the same time (yet) but is it not possible to load the front passenger first (like a C-182, front pax in and adjust seat forward, now rear pax can get in more easily)?

You can but the front seats don't really move that much --maybe 4-5 inches. So for adults it would be a bit of squeeze with the front seat occupied. It's easier to have it empty and flip the seat back forward for rear seat access. Really it's no big deal if you pay attention and basically only load one person at a time or better yet like Chaz wrote one side at time. We had the perfect storm of a maxed loaded airplane and the last two of us rushing to get in. It's totally my fault as I knew better but lost the bubble at the wrong time. L
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My rear tie down ring is painted and a permanent fixture on the fuselage. I broke the bottom rudder fairing during construction.

The Engineer in me says it is beautiful!

That's the advantage of 182!

Unless you're a contortionist (or very young / slim ... you get the idea) front to back is awkward & uncomfortable at best.

It's back to front & I would go further and say right side to left side.

We loaded the backseats (2p) and tested both of us on the footsteps: the tail started to settle.
I have found that with certain person sizes, loading rear passengers and then front can cause a tipping tendency. So I now have a modified loading procedure anytime there is rear passengers. Front passenger first, rear passengers via pilot side door, then pilot. This gets some extra weight on/forward of the CG to counteract the rear passengers.
So I now have a modified loading procedure anytime there is rear passengers. Front passenger first, rear passengers via pilot side door, then pilot. This gets some extra weight on/forward of the CG to counteract the rear passengers.

Pretty much the same here, but we start with me in the left front, then load rears and co-pilot last.