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Page 14-02 Flaperon Hinge Bracket


Well Known Member
Did my hinge brackets today. I followed Van's instructions to a "T". After completing the brackets, then I realized the rivets were a little short(plans specify AN470AD4-4), must have been primer fumes. Should I drill them all out or are these in shear where the size of the shop head isn't as crucial? Am I the only one or did everyone else follow Van's instructions? I hate when I do this!
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A question for Vans I think. They may be acceptable if the shop head is reasonable. Drilling them out would be preferable, but then you run the risk of causing more problems if they don't come out cleanly.
A question for Vans I think. They may be acceptable if the shop head is reasonable. Drilling them out would be preferable, but then you run the risk of causing more problems if they don't come out cleanly.
A question for Vans I think. They may be acceptable if the shop head is reasonable. Drilling them out would be preferable, but then you run the risk of causing more problems if they don't come out cleanly.
A question for Vans I think. They may be acceptable if the shop head is reasonable. Drilling them out would be preferable, but then you run the risk of causing more problems if they don't come out cleanly.

It may be that a couple photos would help to get an accurate read on your problem. I say this because I did not have the same issue. The 4-4 size was just right for the 8 rivets joining W-1216-L&R (14-02, Step 5 & 6). As noted (several times it seems) by rgmwa, Van's should help you make the ultimate determination.

If you do need to drill out any, it should be plenty easy enough. One of the principal skills I have been developing in the course of my project is that of drilling out rivets. I'm getting pretty good at it if I do say so myself. If you've made it this far without having to drill out a bunch, you're doing very well.

I would like to wave a yellow flag about the next step, though. In assembling the inboard hinge bracket (Steps 7 through 10), the instructions say to use AN426AD4-6 rivets in the two locations where they're required to be flush on both sides. These rivets are definitely too long for that application. This was later confirmed to me by the factory. If you use 4-6, you will either have the shop heads protruding, or if you set them hard enough to get them flush, the bracket will be distorted. Use AN426AD4-5 instead. Here's the catch: there are no 4-5s included in the kit. If you don't have any of that size already, you'll need to get a few.

Happy squeezing.
A rivet cutter is always a good accessory to shorten a rivet, but for 1/32 you'd probably do just as we'll with a hand file.

I don't recall any issues with either the double flush rivets or the flaperons hinge.

It may be that a couple photos would help to get an accurate read on your problem. I say this because I did not have the same issue. The 4-4 size was just right for the 8 rivets joining W-1216-L&R (14-02, Step 5 & 6). As noted (several times it seems) by rgmwa, Van's should help you make the ultimate determination.

If you do need to drill out any, it should be plenty easy enough. One of the principal skills I have been developing in the course of my project is that of drilling out rivets. I'm getting pretty good at it if I do say so myself. If you've made it this far without having to drill out a bunch, you're doing very well.

I would like to wave a yellow flag about the next step, though. In assembling the inboard hinge bracket (Steps 7 through 10), the instructions say to use AN426AD4-6 rivets in the two locations where they're required to be flush on both sides. These rivets are definitely too long for that application. This was later confirmed to me by the factory. If you use 4-6, you will either have the shop heads protruding, or if you set them hard enough to get them flush, the bracket will be distorted. Use AN426AD4-5 instead. Here's the catch: there are no 4-5s included in the kit. If you don't have any of that size already, you'll need to get a few.

Happy squeezing.

What others have done is slightly bent the bracket inwards at the rivet line so when squeezed that gap does not happen using the full size rivet. The danger with the smaller rivet is that to get the proper head you squeeze it so hard that the bearing does not move freely....I ended up reordering/redoing mine after reviewing all of the previous comments in other threads.

Control surface brackets/hinges/etc is one area that I sure am happy to spend some time and money on to get it right.
Disregard, I went up in my 172 for a little while to clear my head. Came back and drilled them all out and replaced them with AD4-5's. Came out perfect.
Flaperon Hinge Assembly rivets


I would like to wave a yellow flag about the next step, though. In assembling the inboard hinge bracket (Steps 7 through 10), the instructions say to use AN426AD4-6 rivets in the two locations where they're required to be flush on both sides. These rivets are definitely too long for that application.

The plans show the AN426 rivets in 2 locations only. What about the 3rd hole at the end of the bracket? Does it ever get riveted? I don't see a rivet call out anywhere.
Figure 5 on page 14-02 calls out an470ad4-7 rivets in SEVEN places, which includes the rivet hole you mentioned. Have fun.
Thanks Alex. My eyes were playing tricks on me. I kept counting 7 rivets excluding the in question. Looking at the plans (rather than at the part) I was double counting one rivet.