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Outsourcing an RV build


I'm New Here
Hello all.

I am new to this forum and this is my first post.

I am a 58 year old private pilot and have held that licence for some 15 years. I fly purely for pleasure mainly in Cessna and Mooney aircraft that I hire from my local aero club.

I am considering the purchase of an aircraft but am at the very early stages of my investigation and have not made a decision to proceed.

While I have never flown an RV, the RV-7 and RV-14 seem to be aircraft that fit my mission profile ? local and cross country flying with some occasional light aerobatics.

My issue is that I do not have the time (due to business interests) or inclination to spend long periods of time building an aircraft.

My questions for the forum (and pardon my ignorance as I know little about Experimental aircraft) are as follows:

a) Am I able to outsource most of the build to a professional build company? I understand this may not be cost effective but I am trying to understand the options.

b) If so, how do I find these companies? Is there a register etc?

c) If a) above is not possible are there any other options available apart from building from scratch or purchasing someone else?s build?

I appreciate any input you may have.

Safe flying and Regards ? Jim.
You cannot do that in the US but maybe in the your country you can.

However, you can buy an already licensed aircraft in the US (-14's are not available yet) and have it modified and painted to fit your requirements and then have it shipped to you.
I don't know the rules in AUS but im sure some of our friends from down under will chime in with the legalities of it.

bob burns
RV-4 N82RB

G'day Jim,

Welcome to the forum. This is the best place to ask for and obtain advice on building, maintaining and operating RV aircraft.

The Sports Aircraft Association of Australia is the organisation which deals with experimental aircraft in Australia, including most of the RV models (RV-7/RV-14 etc) - go to saaa.com.

Recreational Aviation Australia is the organisation which deals with ultralights and light sports aircraft (weight, speed limits) in Australia, including most RV-12 - go to raa.asn.au.

There are SAAA chapters in WA including:

Chap 16 at Serpentine.
Chap 24 at Jandakot.

Contact details and other info at the SAAA website.

You can pay to have one built, but there are conditions. Usually it is cheaper to buy an existing aircraft.

Assuming that you are near Perth, I would talk to Chap 16 at Serpentine for advice, and arrange a familiarisation ride in an RV. Then, if I was to buy an RV, I would arrange RV transition training before going solo.

If you wish, contact me at RLREDMAN(at)BIGPOND(dot)COM but use lower case.

With the large drop in the $AUD, buying from the US is not as attractive as it once was, so buying an RV7 locally would probably be a better option and much cheaper than having one built professionally (even if it was legal, which I doubt) from an imported kit. Not being the builder, you would need to have a LAME sign off the annuals like any commercially built aircraft. As Bob suggested, get in touch with SAAA to explore the options. There are no RV14' s flying here yet that I'm aware of, but there is at least one fairly close to being completed in Perth by a Chpt 16 member. Getting transition training at Jandakot or Serpentine wouldn't be a problem.
Welcome to the forum.

Below are 2 links to information about the certification of Home built aircraft in Australia. The first one relates to the general process and the second one to specific issue of commercial assistance during the built.

The main requirement is that the major portion of the kit is built by the home builder. This can be done independently or can be done with commercial instruction (ie help) but you cant just get someone else to built it for you completely.

AC 21.4

AC 21.29

The way the economics work out is that experimental aircraft generally don't sell for little more than the cost to finish the kit in the second hand market. If you are too busy to build find a completed aircraft and by that.

As said above contact the SAAA who will be able to put you in touch with the local chapter.

Hi all,

Thank you for your responses and guidance - it is much appreciated.

I will follow up with the SAAS chapters in Perth and take things from there.

In the meantime I wish you all safe flying and will continue to monitor and participate in this forum.

Regards Jim