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Oshkosh shopping spree


Well Known Member
This is my first year hitting oshkosh. I have heard all sorts of conflicting stories...just wondering what to expect. I have a HUGE shopping list of misc hardware, light packages, soundproofing foam, tefzel wiring, aftermarket dash, elt, antennaes, the works etc etc. The interior and engine are a year or more away, but is it realistic to buy a bunch of this stuff at the show and bring it home. Of course props/engines etc dont work like that but the little stuff and tools...are they available for purchase and take home or just to look at and touch, and then order at osh. Being a canuck, its a big pain shipping things so i figured this would be an ideal time to load up the trailer. Thanks for any help.
Most vendors have stuff for you to take with you.
If you need it and can get a good deal, I say get it now. It will only get more expensive.
Of course, if you are only going to OSH for the shopping, it's probably cheaper to just order it from home. However, it's worth the cost just to go to the show!
At OSH you'll be like a kid in the proverbial candy store. You can find nearly anything you need there and carry it home withOUT those $%^&* shipping charges. The Fly Market is a fun place with every kind of hardware and tool you can imagine. (You just have to ignore the T-shirt shops and kitchen utensil booths :D) Make sure you shop around for anything pricey ... prices vary quite a bit from vendor to vendor. Like anywhere else today, it pays to know what a good price is. Have a ball!

RV-9A QB fuse approaching completion
The key is to remember when packing for Oshkosh, is to leave room for the stuff you'll be taking home from Oshkosh.

Might also help to bring something to help you get waited on at the Aircraft Spruce display; it's always a nightmare.
Well i am taking my 28 foot camping trailer..so room is no issue. Are you suggesting my copilot attend wearing the latest tank top offering from VANS AIRFORCE, do they have VAF short shorts :D ?? or what did you mean by taking something to get them to wait on you.
That would definitely work. It not only would get the way-too-few-people behind the counter to take notice but it would probably cause the way-too-many-people AT the counter to take a giant step -- or two -- back. "After you" would no doubt be the order of the day.

Let me know when they're gonna do that.:D I need some...umm... Alumiprep. Yeah, that's it...I need Alumiprep.

Now, when I attended Airventure last, the vendoers had to charge Wisconsin (did I spell that right?)State tax on any product I was taking home with me. Having it shipped..that was a different story. ymmv. And this was for many different vendors. So I had product shipped. :D
On fairly large purchases at OSH, (GPS, X-ponder, etc.),
I have asked for or was offered free shipping.
I paid for the items at the show, the vendor shipped
after the show and I wasn't charged Wisconsin state sales tax.
In most cases, the items had arrived before I returned home.
I wouldn't broadcast this to the world ;) but for RV guy's OK. I have found the best time to shop at OSH is during the airshow, lines are much shorter.

The airshow is also the best time to:
1. get a shower
2. eat at Friar Tucks
3. catch a ride on the trams to the North 40 for that first cold one
4. ride the bus to the museum

... and the worst time to:
1. listen to a forum speaker
2. find shade

It'll be in the 182 again but -9A will be there next year.
See ya'll there,
New Zealand's a great place to live, but it sure makes going to OSH for the show specials kinda like going broke saving money :-( . Is there any way to take advatnage of the show specials from afar??
Some companies/vendors offer the show price during and after OSH whether you are there or not.