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Oshkosh Home Built Camping

Jerry Fischer

Well Known Member
Greetings to all Home Built campers for air Venture 2016.
We are planning some nice improvements to this year's event.
1. Hope to have additional capacity in the toilet trailer.
2. A larger tent for our gatherings with more picnic tables + BBQ grilles
3. Working on some other surprises.
4. Tram Stop with benches just adjacent to HBC fence. (schedule posted on Bldg.)
5. Revised policy on bicycles: We at Air Venture want to accommodate our camper guests as much as possible while observing the safety & rules set forth by the EAA.
The following suggestions are being made with these goals in mind.
A. The use of bicycles is not permitted on Air Venture grounds outside of approved areas during the days of Air Venture. The approved areas do not include aircraft parking areas such as Home Built Camping. Safety issues are our biggest concern. Campers may keep bicycles outside of the perimeter fence in areas designated to park them. They are the responsibility of the owner/camper to keep properly secured. You may certainly keep your personal fold-up bikes in your tent/aircraft, you just can?t ride them until they are outside the fence during the show days.
B. Storage of bicycles has become a concern after Air Venture since we do have limited space for storage of essentials used to mark parking for planes, etc. After Air Venture or when a camper wishes to leave a bicycle, they will have to arrange to have it stored offsite or donated to a charitable organization such as The Salvation Army.
C. We are offering free shuttle & Welcome Wagon pick-up @ Home built Camping building and outside fence @ pick up stop for shuttle. Please check the schedule for shuttle runs posted on building as well as phone number to call for Welcome Wagon. This will alleviate the need for personal transportation during your stay as well as lighten your cargo for your plane, which is a good thing right?
D. The volunteer staff will do all we can to make sure your experience here is a great one, so we are hoping this clarification will ease your concerns. Now go have a blast. That is all carry on?
Thanks for the info! Will there be an attempt to allow arrivals to indicate the "zone" they'd prefer to park at in HBC while taxing in?. I know this has been done the past--although no one asked us last year when we arrived on Sunday. That said, we lucked out and got parked in what ended up being a great spot for us-- just North of the "hardstand" which is basically at the back (East end) of HBC very near the facilities. We'd really like to try and park in the same area if we can.
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Hi Todd,
Not sure about camping signage for parking. I think Jeff Point or one of the parking crew will read this and respond accordingly. If you check back I think your question will be answered shortly.
This is great news--Especially the tram stop. We're planning on camping in HBC with a 3 year old and a 1 year old this year.
Thanks for the info! Will there be an attempt to allow arrivals to indicate the "zone" they'd prefer to park at in HBC while taxing in?. I know this has been done the past--although no one asked us last year when we arrived on Sunday. That said, we lucked out and got parked in what ended up being a great spot for us-- just North of the "hardstand" which is basically at the back (East end) of HBC very near the facilities. We'd really like to try and park in the same area if we can.

If I remember Jeff's comments from last year accurately, they allow us to request an area until HBC starts getting full or they get busy. I've arrived on Saturday morning the last two years and was asked my preference on parking both years. I suspect HBC is pretty full Sunday afternoon.
If I remember Jeff's comments from last year accurately, they allow us to request an area until HBC starts getting full or they get busy. I've arrived on Saturday morning the last two years and was asked my preference on parking both years. I suspect HBC is pretty full Sunday afternoon.

It wasn't, at least not last year when we got there around 12:30 on Sunday. I'd estimate it was a little over half full at that point with only the first half of each section completely filled in. I suspect that whomever marshaled us in was a newbie and simply didn't know to or just forgot to ask. No worries as it worked out for us in the end.
We are planning some nice improvements to this year's event.
1. Hope to have additional capacity in the toilet trailer.

This is one area in which it's probably hard to exceed expectations. You can never have enough air conditioned porcelain thrones.

4. Tram Stop with benches just adjacent to HBC fence. (schedule posted on Bldg.)

Which fence is considered the HBC fence? Isn't there fences on three sides of HBC? Is this in additional to the traditional stop at the corner near Warbirds?

Please confirm that the showers from last year are making a return engagement.


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To Todd's question- for those not aware of the procedure, this thread explains it all: http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=114699

I'll direct the reader to post #26 for a debriefing of the first year. In particular, on point #5, "We kept this up until about noon on Sunday. By that time things had filled up enough that the three areas pretty much ran together, not to mention we were too busy with arrivals to take the time. So consider noon Sunday to be the cutoff for "getting there early."

Further on in that thread it discuss some changes made to the grounds for 2015 and our discussion around those changes. 2015 saw the movement of the facilities to the west end of HBC, effectively turning areas 2 & 3 into the same area. Furthermore, 2016 will see further re-tooling of the entire area to accommodate additional homebuilt parking (non-camping) as well as some expected overflow from North 40 GAC aircraft due to construction in that area. Basically, HBC will be pushed further west and will take of the entire area north of the P-1 taxiway (the old red auto lot) which is closer to the new North 40 shower house. This means the old #1 area will no longer be part of HBC but will be more RV parking (non-camping.)

Follow all that? Good, because what it basically means is that there is no longer much of a distinction between the old 1,2 and 3 areas like there was a few years ago. We may or may not continue this procedure in light of that; those discussions are going on now as we build up to this years' event.
Appreciate the efforts

Sounds good, I like the idea of bigger tent and more grills as we plan to do my TexasDog buddy's trick with the cooler and cookout.

Tram update is good also.

Keep it up.


Are funds a problem? I imagine there are enough interested parties to pull together a meaningful contribution if there are specific unfunded needs.
OSH arrival

We normally fly on Saturday, try to get in before the usual mass arrivals, get good parking/camping spot and then are set up to watch the action on Sunday.
I can't wait! Tanya and I are planning on flying up Saturday. This will be our first year camping with the masses.
I can't wait! Tanya and I are planning on flying up Saturday. This will be our first year camping with the masses.

We would love to camp near you guys, but I know you're not that dumb--we'll be the tent with the screaming baby. :)

I have ear plugs and know how to use them because Tanya snores louder than your screaming baby.

Geez, you know she is going to read this!!! Gotta keep her happy. We need cookies and her party demeanor at the RV beer garden!!!

I'm planning on bringing my 6A up on Monday. With all the 6's coming are they going into HBC or is there another area they are going to put us?
This is my 1st yr coming in with my RV. Its an upgrade from the Cherokee 140. See Everyone Soon
Your choice...

I'm planning on bringing my 6A up on Monday. With all the 6's coming are they going into HBC or is there another area they are going to put us?
This is my 1st yr coming in with my RV. Its an upgrade from the Cherokee 140. See Everyone Soon

You may either camp in HBC or park in the other areas near flightline designated for RV6 if space is available. I highly recommend HBC :p
Geez, you know she is going to read this!!! Gotta keep her happy. We need cookies and her party demeanor at the RV beer garden!!! :eek:

The cookies won't make it til Monday night. They may not make it past Saturday.

Hey, I heard about the green thong. Yeah, you gotta do it. Rhonda will never be the same ;)
Tram stop good. Bigger tent good. Is #1 additional seats or larger tanks because we're so full of, ah, beans.

Can we start crowd funding for gas struts on the port-a-potty doors?

John Siebold
You may either camp in HBC or park in the other areas near flightline designated for RV6 if space is available. I highly recommend HBC :p
There is no designated RV-6 area near the flightline. All RV camping is in HBC. Non-camping parking is in the usual place.
The cookies won't make it til Monday night. They may not make it past Saturday.

Hey, I heard about the green thong. Yeah, you gotta do it. Rhonda will never be the same ;)

Dan pretty much knows the drill. You almost have to track the APRS track inbound in order to get a cookie. I think she is baking around four dozen these days. She calculates the W/B so I keep out of it! I only ask for three (3) total.

I happen to know that she likes hugs, so special requests from those that aren't shy are welcome :). I also know that the whole bag for Jeff and his guys is prepared special on short final! I think Jeff has Cookie radar as he is usually the first face we see.

Good times! Can't wait.
I see the 2016 Airventure map is out. I'm trying to figure out where the tram stop adjacent to HBC is for planning. Any updates? I normally wouldn't care, but lugging kids and their stuff changes things.
This is my first Oshkosh and will be in HBC (with an RV 6 :D). I noticed the comment on grills and it made me think about bringing food. Is there ice available if I bring food and a cooler?

This is my first Oshkosh and will be in HBC (with an RV 6 :D). I noticed the comment on grills and it made me think about bringing food. Is there ice available if I bring food and a cooler?


Rather than haul stuff from home, many just make a buying expedition via the North 40 walk gate near Friar Tuck's. There is also a regular grocery store bus.

Jerry is The Ice King.
This is my first Oshkosh and will be in HBC (with an RV 6 :D). I noticed the comment on grills and it made me think about bringing food. Is there ice available if I bring food and a cooler?


There is ice for sale in HBC. Groceries available in camp Scholler or offsite as Dan mentions.
...And every other day you might find a half bag of ice with a cute little tag on it that says "card" in the freezer. If you must have it, it is yours (never happened), otherwise I'll be back for it tomorrow :). Just sayin', it is a great place to be.

This will be our first year in almost a decade fully slumming it under the stars with the rest of the crowd. We're planning a major grocery store excursion on Sunday.
Air Venture Map

I see the 2016 Airventure map is out. I'm trying to figure out where the tram stop adjacent to HBC is for planning. Any updates? I normally wouldn't care, but lugging kids and their stuff changes things.
Tram stop is supposed to be at gate 35 et west end of taxiway Papa 1. if something changes I will try & post updates. There is another stop further South on Bonzo Rd at gate 34. I hope this helps as kids wear out pretty fast after a day at A/V
Still working on some back to benches for tram stop & showers. Tent is close by with 18 pika nika benches (My Yogi /bear).
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The red tram stops at the NE and NW corner of Knapp and Papa 1. See map on the "beer tasting" thread.