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Oshkosh 2009


Well Known Member
I go to Oshkosh almost every year, but up until now have only had a passing interest in the Van's booth or the RV parking area. Now that I am a builder I am beginning to plan this year's trek with a different mindset. Are there events or gatherings specifically for RV builders? If a bunch of us 12 builders wanted to meet up, how would that be arranged? Is there any way to identify ourselves, like with special hats or shirts or pins or something? I would like to meet up with some of you folks, but don't quite know how. Has anything like this been done in the past?
Like your idea

Since I sometimes go for just one day, maybe a time of day at the Van's tent EVERY day could be set up, and anyone could show up if they choose. Might be interesting and enjoyable. Maybe 10 or 11 am ? ? ? ? ( before it gets to the highest heat of the day ) Any other ideas ? ?

John Bender
Hi John,

I'm promoting this very thing on the front page of VAF, and it's in the daily rotation until OSH. You (or someone) figure out a location and date(s) and I'll promote it the best I can.

Best always,

" OSH '09 Gatherings If any model-specific group would like to use the space right here (in the daily rotation) to help organize gatherings at OSH'09, I'd be honored to help. Simply start a thread in the model-specific area with an appropriate title (ex: RV-12 OSH'09 Gathering) and I'll keep a link to that thread right here on the front page through the end of the event. "
Is it on for this year?
I *believe* it's being considered, in a less-is-more fashion, Glenn (bring your own food to cook, bring your own chair, no door prizes vein). I think I read something Bob wrote awhile back along these lines, but I could be wrong. If Bob decides to do it I look forward to coming and catching up with friends I only see once a year!
I *believe* it's being considered, in a less-is-more fashion, Glenn (bring your own food to cook, bring your own chair, no door prizes vein). I think I read something Bob wrote awhile back along these lines, but I could be wrong. If Bob decides to do it I look forward to coming and catching up with friends I only see once a year!

Thanks Doug, that is the last I remember too, just nothing since........Bob deserves a break if he needs one....Glenn
Hey guys. Nothing like a little OSH-dreaming to take away the frustration of trying to get this radio stack/trays installed. :eek:

I don't know if it's everyone's cup of tea but my plan is just to go back to BBQ yesteryear (I had more money to blow on it and some of the RV-related folks were in a better position to sponsor it, plus we had a big grill which we don't have anymore), buy some extra campsites (for room), buy a cheap charcoal grill over at WalMart, fire it up and let people grill whatever they want to grill on it and drink whatever they bring to drink, sitting on whatever they brought to sit on and watch the sun set over Highway 43 (or is it 41, I forget).

No big tent (or even a little one), no door prizes, nothing provided except for a piece of grass.

I was thinking of bringing a video camera of some sort (I don't have one 'cept for this little cheapie camera, maybe that'll do), and let people record their greetings to the rest of the RV world.

Sorry it can't be a bigger deal, but I think it'll be OK.

Oh, same time as usual, Wednesday evening at 6.
...SNIP....No big tent (or even a little one), no door prizes, nothing provided except for a piece of grass.

Works for me, Bob. Piece of Grass '09 it is <g>.
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I go to Oshkosh almost every year, but up until now have only had a passing interest in the Van's booth or the RV parking area. Now that I am a builder I am beginning to plan this year's trek with a different mindset. Are there events or gatherings specifically for RV builders? If a bunch of us 12 builders wanted to meet up, how would that be arranged? Is there any way to identify ourselves, like with special hats or shirts or pins or something? I would like to meet up with some of you folks, but don't quite know how. Has anything like this been done in the past?

John, you might want to take the bull by the horns and do what I did a dozen years ago -- plan a meeting.

When the RV-8s were first introduced, there weren't very many of us around. However, as our numbers grew and we got to know each other online, I planned a couple of meetings at Oshkosh and spread the word around.

We met in the Theater in the Woods and told builders' stories (lies, naturally) and some brought photos of their projects. It was fun to meet each year and renew friendships. I provided name tags and Sharpies. Bob Dimeo managed to show up with doughnuts on occasion.

Sadly, the meetings have pretty much died out. I think mostly because so many have already finished their planes and didn't need to continue to meet with builders. However, it was always good to see new faces.

Good luck!
I agree Bob - an excellent topic for discussion - the life cycle of "events" or "social groups" - I ponder on that all the time. Groups and events come and go, ebb and flow...the only constant seems to be change!

Oh, that's excellent! I'm seeing T-shirts (benefit for VAF?) now!

I like the idea of doing something for charity, not necessarily VAF. Although we need to make sure Doug/VAF doesn't lose any money.

Maybe sell polo shirts with the VAF logo on sleeve or some such.

Also, I see no problem with getting builders and fliers together to talk about the challenges facing each. (as long as there is beer involved.)

BTW, I hope to be there with my wife and son in our three seat RV-9.
I agree Bob - an excellent topic for discussion - the life cycle of "events" or "social groups" - I ponder on that all the time. Groups and events come and go, ebb and flow...the only constant seems to be change!


Well, guys, you have to realize that, in the last 13 years of building, I've seen a LOT of RV-8 builders come and go. There are a few of the old guard left who have either been building almost as long as I (Kevin Horton) or continue to hang around and offer help and inspiration (Danny King).

Someone else has organized the last couple of meetings of RV-8/A builders, and there have been some attendees. I don't know if there will be meetings this year, but someone should be announcing soon.

If I actually finish N8RV this year, I will expect a standing ovation from whoever shows up next year. :D :D :D