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OK to Hang Engine on 7A without wings?


Hello All-

I'm finally at the point of buying the power plant & prop. Wingless 7A fuselage in a single car garage, no wheels at all. Wings previously fitted.

Question: Is it OK to mount the mains and nose gear without the wings installed, then hang the engine? I'm concerned about damage to the main spar center section, without the wing spars in place.

I was thinking of making some precision spacers in place of the wing spars, then running the large wing bolts (hardware store) through the spacers to temporarily secure the main gear.

Paul Reeder
-7A, Central Ohio
I used 4 spacers (top and bottom at each end in the 1/4" holes just ahead of the main bolts) to maintain position of the main spar. Engine was hung and FWF stuff done before taking it to the hangar to plug in the wings in. Loosened the spacer bolts and plugged in the wings. No issues experienced.

Good point. Almost there myself. I will bolt the Buller Spacers back in place before hanging the engjne.
I don't know of anyone that did not do landing gear and hang engine before final wing installation. Just don't try to start without wings. Plane needs them for damping otherwise it could shakes like a wet dog as Vans tells it and cause damage to the structure.
I installed mine no spacers and didn’t have any issues, put the wings on later and everything lined up good. I agree I wouldn’t start it up without the wings on.
Thanks Guys, particularly the "Wet Dog" advice. LOL. That I did not consider

-Paul Reeder
RV-7A, Central Ohio
90% done, 50% to go...
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If you don't have the empennage attached, throw some weight on back there.

& I definitely agree with others about the no start with wings off rule. There's a YouTube video (from our airfield) of a turbine 4P skipping across the ramp on it's side... expensive mistake!
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More like a moment of terror. He probably had to change his pants after.

Fuselage was unstable as it was, but the pulled circuit breaker for the gear retract didn't help.
Don't do engine start without wings....

But, many RVs are transported to the airport on trailers/trucks - engine on, wings off. But heed advice of maybe an installed spacer if that helps with peace of mind.