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Noise control module


Well Known Member
I turn on all my electronics for the first time and everything was fine. However, there was a high pitch sound coming from the control module. Is this normal? Also, do the cooling fans run constantly or just when the system is hot?
How do you know the sound is coming from the control module?
If there is another headset plugged in, unplug it.
Try shutting off things one at a time to see if the noise goes away.
Joe Gores
The two cooling small fans located on the back-side of the Skyview panel are on built-in thermostats and run as required by the Skyview box's cooling requirements -- they turn on and off automatically when the Skyview system is on. Interestingly enough, you can monitor the Skyview unit's internal temperature via one of the Skyview screen's diagnostic pages.

There are three fans on the avionics base tray - one inside the Van's AV-50000A control module and two on the base tray itself. The two base tray fans are powered by the Fuel Pump circuit which can be deactivated by pulling the Fuel Pump fuse. I suspect that the fan in the AV-50000A control module is on whenever the Master Switch is on.
The noise almost sounds like a warning sound. Really high pitch sound. The sound started when I powered on the avionics. But when I turn off the power to the avionics, the noise is still present. I think the sound is being generated by the control module. I took a stethoscope to search for the source of the sounds.

The noise goes away when I pull the Audio fuse.

Power on === No noise
Turn on avionics === Noise
Turn off Avionics === Noise
Pull Audio Fuse === No Noise
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Is your stall switch activated? Also the adjustment of all the little potentiometers is a chore.
I don't have the wings attached. Will the stall warning sound without the wings. Also on the instrument display, the stall indicator is gray. Not red not green, gray.
I am somewhat reluctant to offer this suggestion since I am an electronics imbecile, but you might want to try the below action which seems to have removed a strong humming noise in my SV / SL-40 / intercom installation:

In the SL-40 menu, go to Sidetone Level adjustment and see what value they have pre-set at the factory (keep this value in mind if you want to go back to it later). Re-set the value to "0" and see if your hum/squeal goes away. If it doesn't, set the Sidetone Level back on the original value and keep searching for answers. :confused:
It is not the stall warning. I grounded the stall warning wire and heard a different tone
I don't have the wings attached. Will the stall warning sound without the wings. Also on the instrument display, the stall indicator is gray. Not red not green, gray.

There is also a warning when the wing pins are not secured. The Dynon does not want you to attempt to fly without the wings ;).
Low voltage

We had same exact problem this week. Ensure the battery is charged above 12v. Once we did that, the problem went away. Can't explain why but it worked.

Good Luck