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No Power to the Panel


Well Known Member
FInished running skyview conversion harnesses today, minus connecting ADAHRS. WHEN turning the master on, solenoid clicks ... But no power to anything on the panel. 12.36V across the battery, nothing at the aux power adapter and nothing at the shelf fans. No lights on the switches either. Head scratching has commenced. Oh boy.
On the back of the center switches are two connectors. One is a D-Sub. The other is for two hefty white wires in a side by side plug. Are those connected?
Funny you ask ... Checked all wires for power up to the center fuse/switch panel and found that we had voltage to the plug for P156 & P157, but no voltage at any of the fuses. Pulled the switch panel and closer inspection showed two unsoldered pins on the circuit board where the power plug is!!!

Vans is sending a new switch panel.
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The culprit :


Take a close look if you are a new skyview owner...

Thanks KALewis

And for including the photos. I will check mine today. These modular panels with switches and fuses have always been a concern for a failure point. Yours is a good example. Others have expressed these concerns as I researched the RV12 system. On one hand having these systems done is a huge time and technology savings, but the down side is exactly what you experienced. Actually I believe Bill H. had a similar issue with a defective USB connector? Anyway, being able to test and trouble shoot these components will be a challenge.

Thanks again for the follow-up and glad you found the problem :D
That below-the-panel USB connector was a mass-produced item, sealed (no way to open it, comes to Stein with pigtailed wires already attached). Probably QC'd by statistical methods and that one got through. Luck of the draw, easy to fix anyway.

Bill H

Speaking of the USB where is it or how is it identified on the sheets. I started drilling the templets this morning only to find the first templet, has two #30 clecos to hold it for reference, doesn't hold it very well. I drilled the opening for the UCB in the base, looked good, but when I drilled the #30 holes on either side the templet did not hold position and shifted a little. I was looking for the USB and the piece which screws down to the base. I can't find it or any reference other than on the plans. ?? Where is it? I have to admit I'm a little miffed about the templet shift and will not trust another one unless it has a million clamps on it and another reference point!
power on

I turned power on for the first time. Not good the screen booted up as it should and then came a big red X over ADAHRS and said FAILED. I shut it off and went home. I will have to start checking the wire I think vans has those grouments too full.I had a hard time getting all the wire in.

The wiring is not your problem. Get out the Skyview installation manual. You have to DETECT all of the things on the SKYVIEW NETWORK. You may have to then UPDATE the firmware in them. There is no option but to have the manual there as you do the configuration. It is straightforward. Reread the prior posts in this thread.
big red X over ADAHRS

Did the detect procedure solve your issue of the big red X over ADAHRS?
We have the same exact issue.
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When you complete the wiring and flip the master switch for the first time you always get the ADHRS cross. But with firmware 3.2 I didn't get a "DETECT" button in the configuration page. After updating to 3.3 everything went smooth and the EMS and ADHRS were detected and working.
The next thing was the autopilot servo's. The network didn't show the servo's and it took me 3 hours to measure the wiring, which was faultless.
After 3 frustrating hours I saw a button "AUTOPILOT" on the panel :D Although the servo's are connected properly the switch must be on for Skyview to detect the servo's (gives 12V on red).