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David Shelton posts on here regularly, i believe he invented/ developed the whole pod thing for the RV10

You're correct. He gave me a ride to S&F last year (thanks again) and I got to see his product first hand. The lineman made some comments about it looking like the pods on a Caravan. It's a great product and I couldn't believe how quickly one could get on the road.
It's really cool because it solves one of the fundamental problems encountered when traveling by air, now if we could just find room for all our other toys....
I've seen this pod in action, up close. Very well engineered and RV rugged. David Shelton is an aerospace engineer, and a master at building and aviation stuff. And a nice guy on top mof all that.

I think he may be working on a small outboard motor option also. ;)
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Quick Update

Thanks for the encouragement guys! After three years and many prototypes, the system works really well and it?s very rewarding to receive some positive feedback. Many RV builders and flyers have assisted in various ways so I owe a big thanks to many of you. Here?s a brief update:

I just finished a round of ?production engineering? which took almost as long as the original prototype development. Every single part has been refined and the motorcycles and pods are completely finished and look great. The last major task was developing the fuselage hard-point kits. This includes jig-drilled sheet metal, machined billet brackets, CAD drawings, installation manual, hardware, etc. This got wrapped up last week and I shipped the first unit to one of our European customers. We?re officially in production and I?ve been conducting interviews to hire some help.

Now that our system has reached a mature stage, I?m spending more time working on a certification plan and hope to get our first STC by the end of 2010. Unfortunately, there aren?t enough RV-10?s flying (yet) to make a living so the real market will be common production airplanes like the SR-22, Cessna 400, etc. However, our RV-10 products are here to stay and we will continue to serve the experimental community.

This actually started with an interest in roadable aircraft and turned into a simpler solution. It has been a really exciting project and I?ve especially enjoyed playing with the finished products. The combination of air + ground transportation makes it really easy to visit new places and explore each destination. It has transformed one of my greatest hassles into perhaps the most enjoyable part of the trip! If you would like to learn more, you can visit the website (www.MotorcyclePilot.com) and I?m making an effort to update the news section more frequently.


PS- Please visit www.pilotvids.com and post some RV pictures if you have them. It?s a great new site, built by an RV owner.

PS- Hi Paul, I?m going to try to make Sun?n Fun again so let me know if you need another ride!

Any thoughs of a motorcycle for IMC conditions?:D

Looks great! A perfect excuse to build a RV-10

I purchased some wet-weather riding gear and it has saved the day a few times. Riding in bad weather isn't my favorite hobby but the rain gear keeps me reasonably warm and dry. I had to wait out some weather on the way back from Florida last year. I landed just after the FBO closed but I was able to hop on the motorcycle and pick a restaurant and hotel on my GPS database. I even stopped for a movie. Overall, the unplanned stop was relatively hassle-free.... except for the confusing conversation with the hotel attendant:

Attendant: "Where are you coming from?"
Me: "Lakeland, Florida."
Attendant: "Wow, that's a really long ride. When did you leave?"
Me: "This afternoon."
Attendant: "Yeah right, very funny."
Me: "No, I'm flying home from an airshow and just waiting for the weather to clear."
Ateendant: "Then who's motorcycle is that?"
Me: "It's mine, I brought it with me."
Attendant: "Sure you did..."

You bought another -10? I thought you were going to buy an SR22.

If I came to the show, I'd likely need another ride but I don't think I'll be able to make it but I'm trying hard to clear a day out that week. It's a shame and I'm really disappointed as I'd get some VIP passes if I showed up. I don't think I'll be able to make OSH either this year :(

You should consider offering the aircraft hardware kit so that builders can install these during construction and then acquire the pod later after construction and fly off is complete. With the pod hardware kit installed, a builder only then need purchase the pod later, attach and go flying.

Yes you may sell more hardware kits than pods but having an aircraft "pod ready" can be a great selling feature. I may not see a need for a pod now, but I would consider the install of a reasonable cost hardware kit to "hedge my bets" in case I happen to need one later.

Just my $0.02.

Great minds think alike! I just finished making a batch of hard-point kits but I haven't had time to advertise them yet. The kit includes pre-drilled sheet metal, machined billet parts, complete hardware package and detailed instruction manual for $348. They can be installed at any time but it will be easier during original construction. I'll try to post a flyer next week with more detailed information but here is a preview:


Lot's of other good news is on the way. We'll be announcing reputable sales agents, new product options, our website is getting a major overhaul, etc. I also just heard from the Wolf Aviation Fund, which has decided to support our work with a small grant!